A payment plan is available to any person or company. A payment plan can be:
- an instalment plan with weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments
- an extension of time to pay, or
- both an extension of time to pay and an instalment plan.
An application can be submitted at any time before the expiry of the period to which the infringement notice relates, which is usually within 12 months of the offence date, unless the matter has been referred to Court.
Instalment plan
Infringement penalties can be paid by weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments.
The minimum amount accepted for an instalment plan depends on the total penalties accrued. The total penalty amount for all infringements to be included on the plan will need to be paid off:
- within a 12 month period
- with payments of not less than $5.00 per week, $10.00 per fortnight or $20.00 per month.
When your payment plan is approved, your details will be referred to our recovery team (NCML) who will accept instalment payments on our behalf. They will write to you outlining the payment plan details and conditions, and provide the payment due dates.
Financial hardship instalment plan
A payment plan with reduced repayments amounts can be considered you are unable to meet the above requirements. To be considered, you will need to provide information relating to your income and expenses on the payment plan application form, or by completing the Payment Plan Request due to Financial Hardship form(PDF, 297KB) and sending this by email to contactus@hume.vic.gov.au or by post.
If approved, the total penalty amount for all infringements will need to be paid off:
- within a 24 month period
- with payments of not less than $5.00 per week, $10.00 per fortnight or $20.00 per month.
When your payment plan is approved, your details will be referred to our recovery team (NCML) who will accept instalment payments on our behalf. They will write to you outlining the payment plan details and conditions, and provide the payment due dates
Extension of time to pay
An extension of time to pay of up to eight weeks can be granted upon request. Multiple extensions of time can be offered but will not exceed the equivalent of 16 weeks.
How to apply for a payment plan
You can apply for a payment plan at any time before the expiry of the period to which the infringement notice relates. This is usually within 12 months of the offence date.
Submit a payment plan application online
Apply in writing:
Download the application form(PDF, 474KB), email to contactus@hume.vic.gov.au
or print and send to:
Infringement Management
Hume City Council
PO Box 119
Dallas Vic 3047
If another person is writing for you, please ensure you include a note authorising this person to act on your behalf.
Defaulting on payment plan
A payment plan will default and be cancelled if payment is not received within 14 days of the due date.
If your payment plan is cancelled you can apply for a new payment plan or make payment of the remaining outstanding amount in full.
Payment plans will only be offered on two occasions.
Applying for a payment arrangement with Fines Victoria
You may apply for a payment arrangement with Fines Victoria to pay a fine or multiple fines. A payment arrangement may include fines from different enforcement agencies, fines at different stages of enforcement, and court fines.
Infringements issued under Council's General Local Law No. 1 - 2013, General Purposes Local Law No. 1 2023 and the Planning and Environment Act 1987 are not eligible for a payment arrangement with Fines Victoria.
You may request that we refer your fine to Fines Victoria for a payment arrangement in writing, using the online form above or by emailing us at contactus@hume.vic.gov.au.