Building Permits, Applications and Building Regulations Are you about to start building or renovating? Ensure you have obtained all relevant building permits before work starts.
Do I Need a Building Permit? Most building projects require a permit. Find out more about the exemptions which exist in some circumstances.
Submit a Building Application You can submit a building or asset protection permit application through our online platform eHume.
Asset Protection and Permit Requirements Find out whether you're required to get an Asset Protection Permit and apply for one online through our website.
Fencing and Retaining Walls Read more about when a building permit is required for fencing and information on fencing for pools and spas.
Driveways and Crossovers Find out more about seeking approval to build or alter a vehicle crossing (driveway)
Community Infrastructure Levy Find out about the Community Infrastructure Levy, including if you need to pay, by when and how much.
Nature Strips Learn more about nature strips, their maintenance and the rules around landscaping and nature strip parking.
Building Permit and Occupancy Register View the Hume Building and Occupancy Permit registers dating back to 2012.
Stormwater Connection Points and Drainage Asset Details Do you need a Legal Point of Discharge Permit, how to apply and know your responsibilities regarding stormwater.
Swimming Pool Safety Barriers and Registration All pool and spas capable of holding more than 300mm of water must be registered with Council.
Pergolas, Carports, Garages, Verandahs and Sheds Is your potential structure a pergola, shed, garage or carport? Find out whether you need a building permit to construct.