Planning Permit Frequently Asked Questions

Planning Permit FAQ

Our Planning Permit FAQ is designed to help answer some of the most common enquiries we receive about the permit process. If your question is not answered here, please get in touch with our planning team by emailing or calling us

How do I...

What is...

Do I need...

How do I view and object to a planning application?

You can view current and recent planning applications by visiting Applications at Advertising

Online Objection Form

Or complete this printable Objection Form(PDF, 49KB)(PDF, 49KB) and return it to

Arrange a pre-application meeting

If a planning permit is required and you have prepared conceptual plans or have an understanding of what you are proposing, then we recommend that you lodge a pre-application meeting request before lodging your planning application.

This meeting can be conducted in person or online and will clarify Council’s position on the application and provide direction on what information is required, making the application process quicker and easier.

Should you have a general query and have not undertaken any plan preparation, please contact the Statutory Planning team by phone on 9205 2200 to discuss with the duty planner.

What to bring to the meeting

You will need to bring copies of:

  • preliminary or concept plans (including information on the site and neighbourhood)
  • a detailed explanation of your proposal, and
  • a current Certificate of Title (including any covenants or additional agreements listed).

If you have been working with a consulting Town Planner, Architect or Draftsperson, we recommend that they also come to the pre-application meeting.

Pre-application meeting fact sheet(PDF, 188KB)

How do I extend my planning permit?

Once issued, your planning permit will contain an expiry date.  You must start or complete your project before this expiry date.

If you wish to extend the expiry date of your planning permit, you will need to make an application to Council.  

A fee is required to apply for an extension to your planning permit. View planning fees(PDF, 212KB)(PDF, 224KB)

A Town Planner will assess your application to extend the permit expiry date.  In most cases, your permit can be extended if the request is received:

  • within six months of the permit expiry date, or
  • within 12 months of the permit expiry date if your development has already started.

You can lodge a request to extend your planning permit online using eHume.

How do I appeal Council’s decision?

You can contest Council's decision to refuse your application or the conditions imposed on your planning permit. To contest Council's decision, you can make an appeal through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

A permit applicant can appeal Council’s decision within 60 days of the decision being made. An objector has 21 days to appeal against Council’s decision.

What is the length of time Council has to determine my application?

If a decision has not been made on your application within the specified 60 day timeframe, you can appeal Council’s failure to determine the application.

An appeal application is lodged with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Once the matter has been taken to VCAT, we are not able to issue a decision on your application.  Approval or refusal of your application is determined by VCAT during an appeal hearing.

View Our VCAT Factsheet(PDF, 247KB)

What is the advertising process?

If a proposal could impact on the surrounding landowners or occupiers, your application may need to be advertised. This process is required for most applications, and the Town Planner assessing your application will confirm this.

Please note that an additional administrative fee applies to cover public advertising costs.

The advertising process may include:

  • A public notice on the property
  • Letters of notification sent to adjoining property owners, occupiers or beneficiaries, and/or
  • A notice in the local newspaper.

Planning Advertising Process Factsheet(PDF, 270KB)

What is a certificate of title?

A certificate of title is a legal document relating to a particular parcel of land.

It details information such as the current owner of the land and any restrictions which may affect the land.

All planning permit applications and requests for information must be submitted with a full Certificate of Title that has been produced within the last three months. 

Request your Certificate of Title via Landata.

How long does it take to process an application?

The timeframe for Council to issue a planning permit depends on how complex the application is, whether neighbours need to be notified, how much information is provided with the application and other matters.  Once we have everything we need to assess the application, Council has 60 days to make a decision.

If your application is a VicSmart application, an assessment period of 10 business days applies.

If the permit is not issued within the 60 day period, you can apply for a review with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal  (VCAT).

After you have submitted your planning documents to Council, a Town Planner will be assigned to manage your application.  Your nominated Town Planner can give you more information about the timeframes for making a decision on your application. 

Planning Decisions Timeline Factsheet(PDF, 291KB)

Is there a fee for making a planning application?

Yes. Fees are generally determined by the State Government, based on the expected cost of the development or a use fee.

Planning fees are for the assessment of your proposal.  There is no refund if your application is refused.

View Planning Fees(PDF, 224KB)

Do I need a planning permit?

To find out if you require a planning permit, view the Hume Planning Scheme for zoning and overlays (including any restrictions they may cause).

You can seek independent planning advice by discussing your project with a consulting Town Planner. A directory of consulting Town Planners is available on the Planning Institute of Australia's website. Private planners are not affiliated with Council and their services will be subject to fees.

You can also visit, call or email our Statutory Planning team if you have questions about the planning permit process.

If you would like advice or confirmation about a planning matter in writing, you will need to submit an Application for Information on Planning Controls(PDF, 57KB) with the relevant fee. Please note that written planning advice can take up to 14 days to be provided.

Do I need to inform my neighbours?

You are not required to inform your neighbours of your application, however we strongly encourage you to consult with your immediate neighbours about your plans.

Council will advertise most planning applications to surrounding neighbours during the application process. By talking with your neighbours beforehand, you may clarify any potential issues they have, meaning fewer delays through the planning process for you.

Do I need to hire an architect or a design consultant?

Yes. A suitably qualified Architect or Design Consultant is required to prepare your design drawings. It is also recommended that you speak to an independent consulting Town Planner if you have a more complex project in mind.