Planning Scheme Amendments
What is a planning scheme?
A planning scheme is a statutory document which sets out how land can be used and developed. It includes policies, zones, overlays and other provisions.
Planning Schemes in Victoria all have the same structure and include:
- maps which show the zones and overlays that affect the land
- an ordinance which sets outs the written requirements
- incorporated documents.
Each municipality has its own planning scheme and the local policies distinguish one planning scheme from another.
See the Hume Planning Scheme
What is a planning scheme amendment?
A planning scheme amendment makes changes to the planning scheme. An amendment may be required to implement a new strategy or plan, to update local policies, rezone land, or apply a land overlay.
Before an amendment can be prepared, the proposal must be authorised by the Minister for Planning.
For more information about the Planning Scheme Amendment process visit the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
How much does it cost for a planning scheme amendment?
Fees are set by the State Government and levied at different stages of the amendment process.
Lodging a submission to a proposed planning scheme amendment
As part of the amendment process, the community is consulted on proposed planning scheme amendments.
Anyone can lodge a submission about an amendment.
A submission may support the amendment, oppose the amendment, or suggest changes to the amendment.
The Victorian Government has information on preparing a submission to a planning scheme amendment.
Your submission should be lodged before the closing date of the exhibition of the amendment so you have the opportunity to present your views to a panel (if one is appointed to consider submissions).
Planning Scheme Amendments and Privacy
Hume City Council collects information from organisations and individuals during the planning scheme amendment process through submissions made to an Amendment. Submissions may be hand written, electronic (both written and audio-visual) and often contain images, maps and plans. Submissions frequently contain personal information which at times may be sensitive for commercial, health or other reasons.
Natural justice and transparency are important parts of the Planning Scheme Amendment process. Under section 21(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic), Council must make all submissions to an Amendment available to view by any person at its offices for a period of two months after the Amendment is gazetted or lapses. This includes all personal names, telephone and address details, unless specifically requested to be deleted prior to the submission being made publicly available.
Submissions are used by Council when assessing the Amendment and summaries of your submission are included in any Council report that considers the Amendment following the close of exhibition. Your submission will also be used and disclosed in the public process of a Panel Hearing if one is required. Any submission forwarded to Planning Panels Victoria will be managed with in accordance with their privacy policy.
Use of your personal information
In accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) the personal information submitted by you is being collected by Hume City Council for the submission process and it will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, except as a requirement of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic). This includes disclosing your personal information upon request (name and phone number only) to any person during the Planning Scheme Amendment process.
If you do not provide your name and address Council will not be able to consider your submission.
You can gain access to the personal information you have provided to Hume City Council and if you wish to alter it, please contact Strategic Planning on 9205 2200 or email