Open Space Strategy


The Open Space Strategy(PDF, 10MB) sets the vision and priorities for Hume’s open space network for the next 20 years. The Open Space Strategy informs how we plan, deliver and maintain outdoor spaces for current and future generations.

Across Hume, there are 750 reserves and over 440 walkways providing a range of visitor experiences including play, sport, picnics, events, and nature and cultural connections. Council manages all but 28 reserves. 

Today’s challenge is to protect, optimise and grow our open spaces, waterways, environment, cultural heritage and visitor experiences so they can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Additionally, the City of Hume will grow by more than 130,000 people in the next 20 years. We are planning for new housing, and alongside this we need open spaces as we no longer have the large backyards of previous years. 

We also know some suburbs have less open space than others. Greater investment in our more established suburbs of Broadmeadows, Jacana, Coolaroo, Gladstone Park, Greenvale, Campbellfield, and Tullamarine will help rebalance this inequity.

The Open Space Strategy seeks to address the above challenges and will be supported by a 20 year implementation plan to guide budget bids and open space contributions for delivery.

Further information on the Open Space Strategy and consultation can be found at Participate Hume.