Rural Strategy

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Council's Rural Strategy(PDF, 4MB) provides a strategic vision and direction that provides certainty, support and engagement for the community over the next 20 years.

The strategy looks to the future to realistically provide opportunities and certainty for landowners, whilst acknowledging the changes and challenges being experienced in rural areas.

The strategy aims to:

  • Maintain the urban growth boundary and subdivision rules.
  • Support a wide range of economic opportunities that complement the rural areas.
  • Support rural landowners and land managers as the caretakers of the land.
  • Recognise environmental and landscape values in the planning scheme.
  • Manage local roads to keep them safe for rural traffic and encourage State Government investment in road upgrades for metropolitan traffic. 

The final Rural Strategy(PDF, 4MB) was adopted by Council on 11 April 2022.

Council is currently working to implement the aims of the strategy.