Transport Strategy

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The Hume Integrated Land Use and Transport Strategy (HILATS)(PDF, 10MB) adopted in 2011, outlines Council’s land use and transport initiatives aimed at improving transport options for Hume residents, workers, and visitors. 

One of the main objectives of HILATS is to encourage cycling for recreation and local transport by providing safe, connected, and enjoyable cycling environments.

To achieve this, Council has developed a Bicycle Network(PDF, 5MB) Plan to define a comprehensive cycling network of off-road and on-road paths that provides a range of routes to suit different cycling needs. The Plan was adopted by Council on the 9th February 2015. 

Draft Transport Strategy 

Council is currently preparing a new draft transport strategy that will provide an integrated, whole of Council guide for all roles in the planning and delivery of transport infrastructure and information.

Further information on the draft Transport Strategy can be found here