Business Support and Advice

Hume South Asia Export Forum - 10.07.24

Hume City Council, in conjunction with Global Victoria, Matthew Steer Accountants and Advisors, International Customs and Logistics, Melbourne's North Food Group, Australia India Business Council and HealthGuard held an information session for businesses on exporting to South Asia. View the presentations(PDF, 3MB) from the event.

Hume Southeast Asia Export Forum - 26.07.23

Hume City Council, in conjunction with Global Victoria held an information session for businesses on exporting to Southeast Asia. A variety of professionals presented in their areas of expertise, covering quite a few topics. You can view the forum here

For more business specific updates:

Hume Business Newsletter

Sign up to receive our monthly E-Update Newsletter, where we share timely and relevant information for businesses about upcoming events, training and networking opportunities, grants and information to support your business success.

Hume Business Events

Hume Small Business Grants

If you have an idea and seeking financial support, Hume City Council encourage you to apply for a Hume City Small Business Grant. Applications are now open, and this funding is available until the $250,000 is expended. 

Networking Groups In Hume

We encourage you to reach out and connect with these groups.  Meeting new people will expand your connections, potentially open up new opportunities, and can be a powerful tool to grow your business.

Industry Associations & Chambers of Commerce

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Business Council of Australia

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Small Business Association of Australia

Retail Associations

Australian Retailers Association

The Victorian Association for Newsagents

Master Grocers Australia

National Retail Association

Food Industry Associations

Melbourne North Food Group

Networking Groups

MIBA Networking Macedon Ranges
Covering Hume and Macedon Ranges

The North Network

Northern Melbourne Mums in Business

Sunbury Business Association

Sunbury Women in Business

BNI – Melbourne North

Business Builders Group

Melbourne’s North Food Group (MNFG)


Supporting our local businesses

Hume's local businesses have been responding quickly to the changing demand by offering alternative methods of pick-up and delivery, exploring online options, increased hygiene measures and working with their staff and customers following advice surrounding social distancing.

To support Hume businesses, we've started a list of local businesses doing new things or altering their way of working to ensure they can continue delivering and providing for our community. If you are a business in Hume City that’s being innovative through these challenging times, get in touch with us today at or message us on Instagram @DiscoverHume.

You can also support local businesses by shopping locally.