Council’s Youth Engagement and Partnership Unit will be facilitating the Hume Tangible Connections Network. The facilitation of the network aligns with the key strategic directions of the new Connect & Thrive: A Plan for Young People in Hume 2022-2026 and we are excited to be working with everyone to lead this network in the future.
The network meeting provides an opportunity for everyone to get together, network and share ideas on what you would like from us and the Tangible Connections Network.
Our next Tangible Connections Network meeting is on Tuesday the 4th March 2025, this meeting's theme will be 'Pathway Programs and Transitioning from School'.
You will hear from a variety of speakers who support young people within the pathways space and their journey after schooling.
The presentations will include:
Partnerships, Engagement and Pathways Hume Youth Services
Kangan Institute includes;
- Health and Community Centre of Excellence
- Hume Tech School
- Next Step Youth Careers Pathways Service
- Skills and Jobs Centre Service
Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network
The meeting will run from 10am to 12:00pm; with time for introductions, program updates and the presentations, followed by networking and lunch from 11:30am to 12:00pm.