Family and Gender-based Violence

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Hume City Council is committed to preventing family and gender-based violence and working towards a future where everyone is safe, equal and respected.

Family Violence

Family violence is any violent, threatening, coercive or controlling behaviour that occurs in current or past family, domestic or intimate relationships. This includes not only physical injury but direct or indirect threats, sexual assault, emotional and psychological torment, economic control, damage to property, social isolation and any behaviour which causes a person to live in fear.

Domestic and family violence can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or socioeconomic status; however, evidence shows that family violence is predominantly perpetrated by men against women. In Australia, one woman a week on average is murdered by her current or former male partner.

The good news is that family violence is preventable. By addressing gender inequality and the underlying drivers and reinforcing factors of violence, we can prevent it from happening in the first place.

Council is committed to preventing family violence and supporting those who are experiencing it. We work collaboratively with the Victorian Government and the Hume community to provide quality prevention and response initiatives. See below for information on current initiatives. 

Free Training for Hairdressers

The 3Rs of Family Violence program was created by FVREE. FVREE is a not-forprofit organisation that has been serving the community since 1993, striving for a community free from family violence, where everyone is safe. FVREE also provide family violence training for the general community, organisations and those who work in the animal care industry.

Download the Hume Fvree training flyer here(PDF, 794KB) and register here.

16 Days of Activism (Nov 25 - Dec 10)

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a global campaign led annually by UN Women. It runs from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (Human Rights Day).

Over 16 days, communities around the world join the call to prevent and eliminate violence against all women. What we learn and share in this time goes beyond just 16 days.

Hume City Council offered a range of free activities that ignite conversation, encourage change, and work towards a future where everyone is safe, equal and respected, every day.

Please revisit this page at a later date for 2024 programing.

Escape Bags available in Council Libraries

Our Hume libraries currently stock FREE Escape Bags filled with the necessities that you/your children may need when escaping an abusive or dangerous situation. This includes things like shampoo, conditioner, nappies and other toiletries. Speak to our friendly library staff to receive a bag.

Hume Family and Domestic Violence Network

Hume City Council convenes the Hume Domestic and Family Violence Network in partnership with Northern Community Legal Centre. The Network was formed in 1992. Members include family violence service providers and government agencies working within the City of Hume. The purpose of the network is to coordinate a partnership response to family violence and to promote gender equality within the Hume community.

Breastfeeding Welcome Here Initiative

Breastfeeding is a normal and everyday thing to do. Babies have the right to be breastfed and parents have the right to breastfeed wherever they are. We want to ensure that parents in Hume can feel comfortable and confident to breastfeed in public.

That’s why our Libraries, Leisure Centres and Community Centres are registered ‘Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere’ spaces. This means that these venues are safe, welcoming and respectful environments for breastfeeding. In these venues, you will find:

  • Space to move a pram
  • A welcoming attitude from staff
  • A smoke-free environment

Hume City Council is committed to supporting parents and families in Hume to feel safe and welcome. 

Family Violence Support Services

If you or someone you know is experiencing or using violence, help is available.(PDF, 320KB) 

  • Safe Steps − confidential and supportive family violence response line for Victoria | 1800 015 188
  • The Orange Door − family violence support and services across Victoria
  • Elizabeth Morgan House − Aboriginal women's service that provides culturally safe, holistic case management and support 24/7 | 1800 364 297
  • Djirra − culturally safe space and practical support to all Aboriginal women | 1800 105 303
  • inTouch − specialist family violence service that works with multicultural women, their families, and their communities | 1800 755 988
  • 1800 RESPECT − national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service available via phone or online 24/7 | 1800 737 732
  • Kids Helpline − counselling service for Australian's aged 5-25 years old, available via phone and online 24/7 | 1800 55 1800
  • Rainbow Door − free specialist LGBTIQ+ helpline providing information, support and referral to all LGBTIQ+ Victorians, their friends and family | 1800 729 367
  • Men's Referral Service − anonymous and confidential phone counselling and support to help them take action to stop using violent and controlling behaviour | 1300 766 491
  • Seniors Rights Victoria − information and advice to help prevent elder abuse | 1300 368 821

If you believe someone is in immediate danger, call 000 and ask for the police.


This 16 Days of Activism and beyond, let's change the story and create a future where we are all safe, equal and respected.

Watch the video in Vietnamese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese/CantoneseFarsi, Dari or Arabic

How to Respond if someone tell you they are experiencing family violence