Rural Engagement Program


The Rural Engagement Program supports rural landowners and managers in Hume to sustainably manage their land, agriculture and the environment. This includes activities such as controlling noxious weeds and pests on properties, protecting and enhancing native vegetation and creeks, and supporting agricultural land uses such as running a viable agribusiness or hobby-farm.

It is made up of a suite of sub-programs, including the:

  • Conserving our Rural Environment (CoRE) Grant
  • Primary Producer Rate Rebate (PPRR)
  • Rural Land Management Grant (RLMG)

Conserving our Rural Environment Grant 2025-26

We are now accepting Expressions of Interest for the 2025-26 Conserving our Rural Environment (CoRE) Grant. Expressions of Interest must be received by 25th April 2025.

CoRE Grant aims to conserve and improve the natural environmental values on private rural property. This will be achieved through the support and funding of on-ground environmental works, capacity building and community engagement initiatives. Landowners or managers that are eligible can apply for up to $10,000 ex. GST to put towards a project that will enhance biodiversity on their property.

To express your interest in the CoRE Grant, please email


  1. Must have or be applying for a Land Management or Property Plan(PDF, 227KB) that is less than five years old
  2. Must have an environmental asset present on the property. This could include, but is not limited to:
    • native vegetation, which could include woodlands, grasslands or riparian areas
    • property bordered by a waterway
  3. Property with an overall goal to enhance the biodiversity of the area 

For more information about the grant please read the Conserving our Rural Environment 2025-26 Guidelines(PDF, 5MB).

Our Directory of Service Providers(PDF, 8MB) is a list of local contractors and suppliers that service the Hume Area. This includes assistance with weed control, pest control, fencing, revegetation and planting.

Primary Producer Rate Rebate 2025-27

Are you an agricultural business seeking to generate an income from your land?

The Primary Producer Rate Rebate (PPRR) supports investment in sustainable agriculture and land management activities by providing approved applicants with a rate rebate for a 2 year financial period. Every 2 years, properties need to re-apply for the PPRR and will be re-assessed for eligibility. The rebate is calculated as a 30 per cent discount on the general rate for approved properties, which is calculated against the Capital Improved Value of the property. Council will inform current PPRR recipients of the new grant round.

Hume City Council uses the SmartyGrants online platform to simplify and streamline your funding application process.

The PPRR 2025-27 is now open for eligible applicants.

Apply now


  1. Property is two hectares or over
  2. Provide evidence of agricultural business. This could include, but is not limited to:
    • income Tax Assessment showing Primary Producer
    • letter from accountant determining Primary Producer
    • ABN (Australian Business Number)
    • evidence of registered primary producer with the Australian Taxation Office
    • evidence of customer facing such as a website where customers can place product orders
    • sales receipts for product sales
    • clear visual evidence of primary production that Council Officers can sight on your property
    • other business records to Council’s satisfaction
  3. Demonstrating satisfactory sustainable land management

For more information, please read the Primary Producer Rate Rebate Guidelines(PDF, 7MB) 2025-27.  

Rural Land Management Grant 2024-25

The aim of the Rural Land Management Grant (RLMG) is to provide landowners and land managers with the support and incentive to conduct land management activities across their property. The grant is offered at $300 per property plus $20 per hectare.

Hume City Council uses the SmartyGrants online platform to simplify and streamline your funding application process.

The 2024-25 Rural Land Management Grant is open until 31st May 2025. If you have been successful in applying during the current grant period, you will need to wait until the 2025-26 round opens on 1st July 2025 before you apply again.

Apply now


  1. Property is within Green Wedge, Green wedge A, Rural Living and farming zones
  2. Property is 0.4 hectares in size or greater
  3. Evidence of satisfactory land management can be demonstrated
  4. Landowners who do not receive the Conserving our Rural Environment Grant or the Primary Producer Rate Rebate

Note: You must be the landowner of the property to submit an application. If you are leasing or managing on behalf of a landowner you must provide written consent with your application to be eligible for the RLMG.

What can I use the grant for?

  • conducting weed control through the purchase of equipment or herbicide
  • hiring a contractor to conduct land management works
  • pest animal control
  • purchase of indigenous seedlings for revegetation works
  • erosion control works

For more information please read the Rural Land Management Grant Guidelines(PDF, 15MB), and for land management updates subscribe to the RE-Source Newsletter.

Who can I call if I need assistance or have an enquiry?

If you have questions about the Rural Engagement Program or need application assistance, please contact Council’s Sustainability Engagement Team.

General enquiries:
Phone: 9205 2200

CoRE Grant related enquiries: