
Hume City Council Services - Park Landscape Banners-8.jpg

Water is a valuable resource, and Hume City Council is committed to promoting its wise use while planning for a sustainable future. Explore the tabs below to learn how Council manages water systems, engages with community, provide water bill support, and tools to support responsible water use.

Water at home

Water Retailers

Your local water retailer can offer a wide range of assistance to your home, business or community. 

Yarra Valley Water offers the following services:

for more information, visit https://www.yvw.com.au/.

Greater Western Water (formally City West Water and Western Water) offers the following services:

For more information, visit Home | Greater Western Water .

Community Water Rebate for household

The community Water Rebate Program assist vulnerable and hardship customers of water corporations. This program provides products and service to improve household water efficiency. 

For more information: 

For more information on concession holder benefits, head to the Victorian Government's website: Water - DFFH Services.

Water efficient products

In your home, the appliances and fixtures that use the most water typically include washing machines, dishwashers, showers, and toilets. Consider using water efficient products to save water and money. Find out what water efficient products are available to you to help you save water and money.

Tips for reducing water use: 

  • Only running washing machines and dishwasher with a full load. 
  • Take short showers (3-4 minutes).
  • flush the toilet only when necessary.

For more tips, refer to the Water Saving Fact Sheet(PDF, 173KB)

Council's Action

Hume Integrated Water Management Plan 2020-2025

The Hume Integrated Water Management Plan 2020-2025(PDF, 12MB), adopted in March 2020, outline Council’s approach to key and emerging issues in the water industry and beyond. These include:

  • Climate Change impacts.
    Responding to current climate change impacts and future projections, particularly the urban heat island effect and impacts on open space management and the stormwater system.
  • Legislation and Policy Development.
    Aligning with State Government policies such as the Integrated Water Management Framework for Victoria (Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, 2017) and the Healthy Waterways Strategy (Melbourne Water, 2017).
  • Protecting Community and Environmental Assets. 
    Ensuring the protection and enhancement community of streetscapes, waterways, native habitat and recreational spaces.
  • Meeting Council’s increased water demand.
    Addressing increased water demand resulting from urban development and effects of climate change.
Rainwater Tanks

Rainwater tanks have been installed at over 60 Council facilities in order to harvest water for toilet flushing and irrigation. This reduces the amount of potable (drinking) water. Large capacity tanks are located in Councils:

  • Broadmeadows offices.
  • Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre.
  • Craigieburn Sports Stadium.
  • Sunbury Depot.
Watering Sport Grounds 

Council has converted all sports grounds with drought tolerant, warm season grasses, these fields typically require 30 to 40 per cent less water than the traditional cool season grassed fields. When watering our sports grounds, all new sporting grounds use alternative water sources such as storm water and recycled water.

Our Golf Courses, Craigieburn Golf Course and Goonawarra Gold Course are both connect to recycled water. Craigieburn Golf Course has also been upgraded to a new and efficient irrigation system. 


Stormwater and Waterways

What is stormwater?

Stormwater is rainfall runoff from impervious surfaces in urban areas, for example, roads, pavements, and roofs. This water makes its way along kerbside drains and from down pipes into the stormwater drainage network. From here, the water flows, generally untreated, to the nearest waterway. Water from roads can contain many pollutants including litter, silt and sediments, oils and heavy metals. This pollution has major impacts on the environment and on our rivers and creeks. Only rainfall should enter the stormwater system – no chemicals or other materials should be poured into stormwater drains.

Stormwater management

Regular street sweeping prevents hundreds of tonnes of litter from entering waterways through stormwater drains every year. In one year alone, over 2,500 tonnes of rubbish was removed from Hume's streets. Council also manages more than 50 wetlands and operates 100 gross pollutant traps which remove litter, as well as sediments and nutrients, from stormwater flows before they enter creek and river systems. Wetlands also help slow the flow of water before entering waterways and create habitat for frogs, birds and fish.

Monitoring and enforcement of Planning Scheme and Local Laws

Council regularly audits new residential and industrial estate development, and building sites to ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to prevent mud, silt and construction materials washing off-site and into stormwater drains. Fines can be issued to builders and developers who fail to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater drains and polluting waterways.

New subdivisions are required to meet stormwater management standards under the Hume Planning Scheme. The planning scheme requires all new subdivisions and industrial developments to manage stormwater run-off in order to protect water quality and habitat values in receiving waterways. Information about industrial stormwater management can be found in the Industrial Stormwater Code of Practice.(PDF, 704KB)


Algae, Weeds and Litter in our waterways

Hume City Council works with water authorities to help manage our wetlands and lakes. This includes alerting the community to blue-green algae, managing re-vegetation and plant life and clearing litter.

Blue-green algae

Blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) is a naturally occurring organism present in bodies of water. 

Usually, you can't notice it, because the individual cells are very small and are normally not visible. However, under certain conditions, numbers can increase rapidly, and blooms become easily visible across the water surface. These blooms are seasonal and a natural component of many waterways in Victoria. 

Blue-green algae blooms occur because of a combination of the following: 

  • lots of nutrients in the water (usually a combination of naturally occurring nutrients and some that wash in with stormwater).
  • low inflows (i.e. if it doesn't rain for a while).
  • warm weather conditions.  

Algal blooms are unpleasant, but they are usually not dangerous. Large amounts of blue-green algae can cause skin irritation or illnesses for people and pets that come into contact with them, but this depends on how much algae there is in the water. Blue-green algae is monitored regularly by water authorities and Council will put up signage to notify the community if a bloom occurs. 

It is not possible to prevent, treat or clean up algal blooms, but they will naturally dissipate with rain and cooler weather.

Plant life and weeds

We often receive requests to clean up plant life in our wetlands and lakes. However, these plants (often mistaken for weeds) have an important role to play. 

Plants in and around our waterways help filter nutrients and pollutants (which can reduce the severity of algal blooms), provide habitat for wildlife and reduce erosion (which makes for clearer water). That is why re-vegetation programs in these areas are so important. 

Some of the native plants you might see in our waterways include:

Council holds regular community planting days where like-minded community members can come together to assist with re-vegetation. Subscribe to Live Green News to stay in the loop about upcoming planting events.


Council conducts regular clean-ups of popular waterside areas, such as Highlands Lake. However, the best way to prevent litter around our waterways is to ensure rubbish is properly disposed of.

We encourage residents to put rubbish in the bin or take it home with them.