Calling local environmental champions to action
Published on 29 January 2020
Residents are invited to register for Hume City Council’s Enviro Champions training program which begins on 16 February 2020.
Mayor of Hume City, Councillor Carly Moore said “The Enviro Champions program has become very popular and many projects have become a reality as a result. We are therefore looking forward to training new champions in 2020.
“If you are a Hume resident who is passionate about the environment and wishes to make a difference in your local community, joining Enviro Champions is an ideal way for you to realise your goals.” Cr Moore said.
"This program is an opportunity for people to meet to support, protect and strengthen the environment and the community through the training and projects they choose to pursue.
“You are not required to have a specific project in mind to join. If you care about the environment and want to make like-minded friends, you are a potential Enviro Champ.”
Previous Enviro Champions projects have included a Hume Seed Library, online social media Eco Hub, making reusable produce bags and action on climate change.
The Hume Enviro Champions program consists of 10 weeks of training sessions held on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 8.30pm. The program also includes day-time field trips and an evening graduation.
The training will provide support to develop an idea and create a project plan. Participants can either work alone or as part of a team to collaborate on a shared project. The training is completely free of charge.
Cr Moore said future Enviro Champions can also come along to the ‘Great Green Guided Tour’, which is an opportunity to meet previous Enviro Champions and learn more about their projects.
“The tour will be held on Sunday 16 February from 10am to 3pm. Places are limited and bookings are essential.”
For more information or to register to become an Enviro Champion visit or email