Statement regarding Cr Naim Kurt
Published on 10 June 2020
Our community rightly expects and deserves its elected Council representatives to uphold the highest standards of conduct and to act in a manner that supports and protects our community. Each Councillor takes an Oath of Office under the Local Government Act 1989 and signs a Statement of Commitment to abide by the Code of Conduct for Councillors.
Allegations of misconduct were reported to Council in May this year in relation to Councillor Naim Kurt. Council takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and consequently due process had commenced in relation to the alleged misconduct.
Prior to this process concluding, Councillor Kurt suggested a range of sanctions that could be applied. These included an apology to Councillors and Council and an unpaid leave of absence for a period of two months.
Following consideration of this matter by Council at the Ordinary Council meeting held on 9 June 2020, Councillor Kurt has been reprimanded by Council and his unpaid leave of absence commences immediately.
Hume City Council does not tolerate inappropriate conduct. We do not tolerate threats of violence against women or any person, racial discrimination, or any other form of inappropriate conduct.