Council outlines responsible budget for tough economic climate

Published on 09 May 2023


Approaching the year ahead with financial responsibility while maintaining vital community services forms the basis of Hume City Council’s Proposed Budget 2023/24. 

Adopted by Council at its meeting on Monday, the budget targets the areas where support is needed most, to help our community adapt and thrive by putting individuals needs at the heart of everything we do. 

Council’s Proposed Budget 2023/24 includes significant investment in libraries, leisure centres, preschools, maternal and child health and aged and disability programs. 

This is complemented by a responsible four-year capital works program investment in city infrastructure, with a strong focus on community facilities, transport infrastructure and parks and reserves as we work to Build a Better Hume.  

Our efforts are underpinned by the drive to create a cleaner, greener, more sustainable Hume City, that upholds the rights to social justice for our customers. 

Council’s Proposed Budget 2023/24 commits to: 

  • More than $600 million in community facilities, roads, footpaths, parks and reserves over the next four years, including $128.25 million in 2023/24.  

  • $38.03 million to improve, upgrade and develop new buildings, including continued works for the upgrade of the former Craigieburn Leisure Centre to a new indoor sports facility, completion of the construction of the Kalkallo Central Community Hub.  

  • $20.01 million to construct, upgrade and maintain roads across the City as well as $6.50 million for footpaths and cycleways and $18.05 million for car parks. 

  • $26.76 million for land improvements, including park and reserve upgrades, construction of sporting fields and more. This includes completion of the construction of of four rugby league and touch football pitches at the Bridges Recreation Reserve, Craigieburn, and beginning construction for the playing fields at Greenvale Recreation Reserve. 

The economic management of infrastructure spending allows Council to provide $305.8 million to meet the growing demand for a variety of day-to-day services over the next 12 months to:  

  • Collect more than 92,000 tonnes of kerbside waste, recycling and organics.  

  • Provide 21,000 hard waste collections;  

  • Undertake more than 43,725 kilometres of street sweeping; 

  • Remove close to 6,000 square metres of graffiti;  

  • Provide 100,000 hours of domestic assistance, personal care and respite care for aged residents; 

  • Deliver more than 20,000 meals for people in need;  

  • Host more than 1.2 million visits to our leisure centres; 

  • Loan more than a million library items to over 18,000 Hume Libraries members. 

  • Deliver more than 26,000 immunisations. 

  • Coordinate 46,000 maternal and child health consultations;  

  • Register more than 2,000 dogs and cats; and  

  • Educate approximately 4,000 three and four year old children in our preschools program 

Council’s Proposed Budget 2023/24 includes a total income of $528.65 million and an operating expenditure of $396.11 million, generating a surplus of $132.54 million.   

Hume City Council Mayor, Councillor Jospeh Haweil said:  

“It gives me great pleasure to present Hume City Council’s Proposed Budget 2023/24 to the community.  

“In creating this budget, we’ve made sure we are listening to you. This budget is informed by community and key stakeholder consultation, including through our annual community survey, input via resident and stakeholder requests and general feedback. 

“As our residents look to us to help guide them through a time of economic uncertainty, we are working tirelessly to ensure we are able to continue delivering quality services, while working within the state government’s rate cap of 3.5% as part of the the Fair Go Rates System for local councils.  

“Complemented by a responsible investment in city infrastructure and a capital works program that has a strong focus on community facilities, transport infrastructure, parks and reserves are our commitment to serving our growing community while maintaining an economic approach that is based on good governance and sound financial management.” 

Provide your feedback on Council's Proposed Budget 2023/24 by Tuesday 30 May.