Some of our services are changing for the Australia Day public holiday on Monday 27 January.
Published on 17 July 2023
Hume City Council has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement of sweeping reform of the state’s gambling laws as a major win for communities around Victoria.
The move by the Andrews Labor Government will see several reforms introduced around the use of Electronic Gaming Machines (EGM) and venue operating hours.
It comes on the back of a campaign by seven Local Councils, spearheaded by Hume City Mayor, Cr. Joseph Haweil, to lobby for immediate state mandated regulation of the gaming industry.
In correspondence sent to the Victorian Premier, Councils outlined:
the prolific harm caused by gambling (over $104 million lost to gambling in Hume in 2021/22) far exceeding pre-pandemic levels and driven by EGM use.
the unchecked efforts by venues to target vulnerable community members and
importantly our recommendations to reduce harm in our communities, including:
mandatory cashless pre-commitment cards.
reduction in the maximum operating hours at gaming venues.
the continuation of the regional gaming cap (Hume-wide) and for its reduction; and
programs and policies that address issues of ease of access to online gambling apps and gambling advertising
Quotes attributable to Hume City Council Mayor, Cr Joseph Haweil
“The Local Government sector has been at the forefront of gambling harm minimisation and reform advocacy for many years having seen the negative impact of poker machine throughout communities.”
“This welcome announcement is proof of the power of strong, united voices in an issue that affects the entire country.
“This is a step in the right direction with the Andrews Labor Government having heard voices including Hume City’s. The announced measures will help protect the financial and emotional well-being of our community and reduce opportunities for harm.”
“We are extremely grateful for this important decision announced by the Premier and the Minister today and we thank them for listening to our concerns and putting Victoria at the forefront of reform efforts which are gathering pace all around Australia.”