Hume City Council welcomes RSPCA vaccination and vet care push
Published on 25 July 2023
Hume City Council is welcoming a series of RSPCA pop-up, low-cost vet clinics in the coming months that will help locals stay on top of pet care amid the rising cost of living.
The clinic, run by RSPCA Veterinarian Dr. Georgia Arnold, offers a 15-minute session by appointment primarily for vaccination, but it’s also a chance for education and engagement.
“It’s never just vaccinations,” says Dr. Arnold. “We’ve had multiple (appointments) where they’ve had lots of different issues to talk about.
“We’ll then have the full discussion and refer them to what the follow-up plans are, such as ‘these are the medications, go see a vet if it gets worse’.”
She adds that, given the 15-minute window, she’s direct with owners. “It’s a great opportunity for honest advice and I’ve felt people are very appreciative.”
A normal vet visit can cost up to $200 at some clinics so with Dr. Arnold hoping the $50 price of the vaccination and consult will entices people for several reasons. 
“You can justify it any way. You can say it’s to help out all the vet clinics that are over-booked and short staffed. There’s an absolute crisis of shortages right now,” she says.
“And for everyone else, this is our incentive to make vet care accessible. There’s no subsidising of it, which is unfortunate, so this is one thing we can do to get some advice out there.”
Dr. Arnold is passionate about the initiative and hopes to keep it available for as long as possible.
“We’re not doing any means testing yet. We may in the future if it takes off, but for now it’s purely to get everyone that’s available, to just get the word out.”
Hume City Council Deputy Mayor Cr. Karen Sherry visited one of the first pop-ups in the Hume community events series at the Craigieburn Guide Hall on Thursday 20 July to highlight the current need for the service.

“Council is currently working on our new Domestic Animal Management Plan which has a number of guidelines for responsible pet ownership, particularly vaccination.”
“We know our residents want to do the right thing by their pets but cost of living pressures and high demand on local clinics is making it difficult for some to access basic vet care.
“We’re grateful this clinic series will help meet these needs,” Cr. Sherry says.
Wednesday 9 August - Mickleham North Community Centre
Wednesday 16 August - Greenvale West Community Centre
Wednesday 11 October - Mickleham South Community Centre