Meet the new Waste Response team!
Published on 08 November 2023
The next phase of Hume City Council’s Keep Hume Clean campaign has launched, and this time it’s on wheels!
A lot of people don’t know that, in Hume, leaving unwanted items on the nature strip counts as illegally dumped rubbish. Unfortunately, when one household does it, others think it’s okay and it can end up becoming a reoccurring issue for the whole neighbourhood.
That’s where our new Waste Response team comes in. Four crews have spent the past four weeks responding to dumped rubbish reports and talking to residents about responsible ways to get rid of their waste.
Through knocking on doors, taping off dumped rubbish on nature strips and leaving information in letterboxes, they have already helped a number of residents book their first at-home hard waste collection and learn about the variety of options Council offers for disposing of waste and unwanted items.
In the last year, Council spent $4.7 million removing up to 4,881 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish from the community.
Household items account for around 60% of dumped rubbish in Hume. By working with residents directly and focusing on education, the Waste Response team aims to reduce the rate of illegal dumping so we can all take pride in where we live.
Keep an eye out for the friendly team and their vans – coming to a street near you!
For more information about the waste disposal options available to all Hume households, including renters, visit