Hume City to benefit from 20-year City Deal Plan

Published on 25 August 2020


Revitalisation of the Broadmeadows Town Centre and the Outer Metropolitan Ring Road are two projects proposed for Hume City as part of the North and West Melbourne City Deal Plan 2020-2040, launched on Monday.

Hume City Council Mayor, Councillor Carly Moore, said that as a key precinct area, Broadmeadows would benefit from several projects that will boost employment, transport and connectivity, and amenity for residents.

“Hume City’s population is forecast to increase by 54.61% by 2041. This plan will enable a strategic approach to planning for infrastructure, jobs, and provision of vital services,” Cr Moore said.

“Our community is one of the hardest hit by COVID-19 and investment for our City is critical to our recovery and our future.  

“The revitalisation of the Broadmeadows Town Centre is a significant investment which Council has been advocating for, for many years, and unlocking its development capacity will create 1,500 new jobs.”

The proposal includes commercial development of Hume Central, redevelopment of Broadmeadows Train Station, an Advanced Manufacturing Centre for Assistive Technology, affordable housing, business and commercial development, Maygar Barracks redevelopment and the redevelopment of Kangan Institute (TAFE) Broadmeadows campus. 

The plan also highlights the Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor, which is a 100-kilometre-long high-speed transport link for people and freight, creating better connections to key international transport hubs such as Melbourne Airport.

“Collaboration is essential to achieve genuine transformation and we’re proud to be partnering with our neighbouring councils to develop this City Deal package. 

“We look forward to working closely with the Victorian and Commonwealth governments to leverage investment in these important projects to ensure they come to fruition,” Cr Moore said.

The North and West Melbourne City Deal Plan features 66 proposed projects which have been developed by 13 local councils, State and Commonwealth government, La Trobe and Victoria Universities, and economic development groups NORTH Link and WoMEDA.

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