Community building through Hume's 2025 Community Grants

Published on 04 June 2024

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Pictured: Hume Community Grant recognition recipient Broadmeadows Toy Library

Hume City’s community groups and clubs looking to create or enhance participations opportunities are encouraged to access our Community Grants Program. 

Resilience, connection and the inclusion of all in our diverse community are some of the key drivers that keep any local community active and thriving. 

Every year Council aims to support innovative ways we can support locals to be engaged, feel included, and connect with other locals by funding engaging initiatives through our Community Grants Program. 

With plenty of time left in this year’s Community Grants application process for locals to make an idea a reality, we’re asking not-for-profits, community groups and individuals to get creative and apply to have us support an activity or event that will strengthen our community. 

For inspiration, the following initiatives were supported for funding in our 2024 Community Grants program: 

  • Toy Libraries Australia who, over the next three years will establish six new free toy-ending libraries across Hume for children and families from migrant and refugee backgrounds. 

  • CareWorks Sunranges who are planning on upskilling and rebuilding the morale of their volunteers after the difficult pandemic years. 

  • Westmeadows Football Club, who are planning a NAIDOC week football round to celebrate and learn about First Nations cultures. 

If you’re part of a community group or organisation that works within Hume and haven’t applied for a Hume Community Grant in the past, this is your opportunity to start something that could make a real difference to those around you. 

Applications for the Community Grants Program are open until 5pm on Friday 21 June. 

Learn if you are eligible and apply at 

Quotes attributable to Hume City Mayor, Cr Naim Kurt: 

“Hume City’s volunteers and not-for-profits are the heart and soul of our community.”  
“Each year, Hume City Council provides over half a million dollars in grants to help these groups meet the diverse needs of our community.”  

“With several weeks remaining to apply for the 2025 grants, we encourage community members to contact our officers, think creatively, and submit their applications by June 21st to support initiatives that bring our community together”