What is Hume’s Fair Access Policy?
The Policy seeks to address known barriers experienced by women, girls and gender diverse people in accessing and using community sports infrastructure and to enhance participation in sport and recreation and increase their engagement and representation in leadership and governance roles.
What is Hume’s Fair Access Action Plan?
The Action Plan will implement the objectives and principles outlined in the Policy with Hume Sports clubs, associations and partners. The Plan will initially be delivered over a three-year period with annual outcome reviews.
What is the connection between Gender Equality Act 2020 and the Fair Access Policy Roadmap?
The Policy is aligned to both the Gender Equality Act 2020 and the Fair Access Policy Roadmap. Gender Equality Act 2020, where Local Governments are required to undertake Gender Impact Assessments (GIAs) on all new policies, programs, communications, and services, including those up for review, that directly and significantly impact the public. The Victorian State Government’s Fair Access Roadmap requires community sporting facilities being available to everyone, so everyone can participate and reach their full potential.
How is Hume City addressing the Fair Access Roadmap
Hume City Council will be embedding key principles that govern decision-making on Fair Access in a standalone Fair Access Policy and will be read in conjunction with all other relevant Council polices in relation to community sports infrastructure and allocation. These principles are guided by the Victorian Government’s six Fair Access Principles of inclusivity, full participation, equal representation, encouraging and supporting user groups, and prioritising user groups committed to equality.
Why do we need Fair Access?
Fair Access is essential because sport and recreational activities play a crucial role in enriching our communities, and it's vital that these opportunities are accessible to everyone equally. Currently, this is not always the case, and we need to address this disparity. Establishing a dedicated Fair Access Policy, aligned with other relevant Council policies, will be a significant step towards fostering procedural and cultural change. This will help ensure that the full benefits of sport and recreation are available to all individuals, particularly women, girls, and gender-diverse people.
Is the Fair Access project unique to Hume City Council?
No. Councils across Victoria will be developing Fair Access policies, embedding principles in existing sporting allocation policies, and forming action plans to facilitate change.