Occasional Care Services

Occasional Care offers a quality program of play and learning for children up to five years of age. Parents requiring care on a casual basis may book up to one week in advance, subject to availability.

Occasional care is offered up to five hours at:

  • Bradford Avenue Preschool, Greenvale

The five hour program provides opportunities for children to play and socialise with other children through developmentally appropriate activities based on children's ages, needs, interests and experiences.  

Children may attend one five hour session per week and where opportunity permits, can attend more than one session per week (up to a maximum of 15 hours per week).

View our Occasional Care Policy(PDF, 199KB).

Booking Occasional Care

Bookings are on a casual basis and are essential for attending.  You can book online using the links below for the centres you are interested in attending.  Before a booking can be made an Enrolment Form and a Direct Debit Form must be completed online and an up to date Immunisation Statement provided.  You may contact the service at the numbers listed below for further information.

Greenvale Occasional Care

Bradford Avenue Preschool, 24 Bradford Ave, Greenvale
Phone: 9333 6651
Sessions: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 1.30pm

Operating 5 days a week

Click here to book