Hume Interfaith Network

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 The Hume Interfaith Network (HIN) was established in 2001, with the aim to:

  • Develop harmonious relationships between all people who live, work or practice faith in the City of Hume
  • Creating peace, understanding and respect with one another’s beliefs, cultures and traditions
  • Foster social harmony, inclusivity and dialogue rather than promoting one religion over another or debating religious beliefs
  • Provide a space to celebrate our similarities and share our differences to foster peace and goodwill.

Members of the HIN have collaborated with Council to deliver initiatives that strengthen social cohesion, deepen mutual respect and promote community participation and wellbeing for community members of different faiths. Activities have included Harmony Week and Refugee Week celebrations, Places of Worship Tours, Multi-faith Planting Day and interfaith and community forums and events.

Read Our Recent Media Statement


Asim Jaleel

Asim Jaleel.jpg

Faith: Muslim

Faith organisation: Craigieburn Hub

Rasul Pasha

Rasul Pasha.jpeg

Faith: Muslim

Faith organisation: Craigieburn Hub

Ahmed Kucukali

Ahmed Kucukali - Headshots-15 - Cropped.jpg

Faith: Muslim

Faith organisation: Islamic Sciences and Research Academy (ISRA)

Ash Dixit

Multicultural Community Liaison Officer

Victoria Police

Avtar Singh

Faith: Sikh

Faith organisation: 

Dal Baba Bidhi Chand Ji Khalsa Darbar, Mickleham

Bassam Attar

Faith: Muslim

Faith organisation: 

Australian Shia Gathering Place

Clayton Williams

Clayton Williams.jpeg

Faith: Christian

Faith organisation: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Pastor Enele Tailiki

Faith: Christian

Faith organisation: Hume Samoan Assembly of God

Pradeep Chandravathy

Faith: Hindu

Faith organisation: Kerala Hindu Society

Sargon Thomas

Faith: Christian

Rezvanieh Newton

Rezvanieh Newton - Headshots-8.jpg

Faith: Baha'i

Terms of Reference


The Hume Interfaith Network often has a range of events running throughout the year. You can find any active ones listed here.

Expression of Interest

The Hume Interfaith Network welcomes faith leaders and community members to join the Executive Team or to be part of the broader Hume Interfaith Network. Please complete an Expression of Interest and Hume Council’s Multicultural Community Development Officer will be in touch.

You can also request a hard copy of the expression of interest.

There is no closing date, however we encourage that you complete it as soon as possible as there are limited spots (4 vacancies as of April 2024) on the Executive Team. 


For more information, please contact: Celia Chang, Multicultural Community Development Officer on or 0477 177 920.

More information

If you would like to find out more about the Hume Interfaith Network and how to be involved, please contact: Celia Chang, Multicultural Community Development Officer via phone 0477 177 920 or email