Waste Service Charge

We’re changing the way we charge for waste.

As of 1 July 2023, the cost of providing waste services in Hume City will be removed from the general rates and itemised separately on your rates notice.

The Waste Service Charge is made up of two charges: the Kerbside Waste Charge and the Public Waste Charge.

This change allows us to be more transparent about where your money goes, as well as helping us keep up with the rising cost of waste and recycling services.


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General information

How much will I pay?

This year, your rates notice lists two new items – a Kerbside Waste Charge and a Public Waste Charge. 

The Kerbside Waste Charge is a flat fee of $295.74 for all residential ratepayers and businesses with a Council waste service. 

The Public Waste Charge is a flat fee of $200.93 a year for residents, or $150.93 for pensioners. For businesses, the Public Waste Charge is calculated based on the property’s Capital Improved Value (CIV).

Are these charges in addition to my usual rates?

No. In this year’s rates notice, the cost of providing waste services has been separated from the general rates and listed as two items – a Kerbside Waste Charge and a Public Waste Charge.

Learn more about how your rates are calculated here.

What is the Kerbside Waste Charge?

The Kerbside Waste Charge covers the cost of providing kerbside bin collections to your property, including: 

It also covers additional waste entitlements available to residents each year, such as: 

The Kerbside Waste Charge is a flat fee, meaning everyone pays the same amount for the same services.

What is the Public Waste Charge?

The Public Waste Charge covers the cost of keeping public space clean, including: 

  • Providing and maintaining public litter bins 

  • Street sweeping 

  • Cleaning up litter from roadsides and reserves 

The Public Waste Charge is a flat fee for residents. For businesses, it is calculated based on the property’s Capital Improved Value (CIV).

Will my bin collection or other waste services change?

No. You will still have the same bins and they will be collected as normal. You will also still have access to our other waste services, such as hard waste collections, bundled branch collections, Resource Recovery Centres and Hume Clean Days.

Why do we need a separate waste charge?

The cost of providing waste and recycling services has grown considerably in recent years, and continues to increase. Separating waste charges from the general rates helps us keep up with these rising costs. It also allows us to be more transparent about our waste costs and gives you a clearer picture of where your money is going. 

In recent years, the Victorian Government has substantially increased the landfill levy it charges councils for waste disposal. Costs will continue to rise with the introduction of other services mandated by the state government, such as food and garden waste and glass recycling services for all households. 

Without a waste charge, we’re projecting a shortfall in excess of $100 million over the next 10 years. This means we need to change how we charge for our waste services now, so that these rising costs don’t have an impact on other essential services. 

We are one of the last councils in Victoria to introduce a separate waste charge. As of July 2023, all 79 Victorian councils will have separate charges for their waste services.

How was the community consulted?

We sought community feedback a number of times during the development of our Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy, as well as the 2023/24 Council Budget. 

In December 2021, we received 2,263 survey responses from Hume residents as part of the development of our Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy. 57 per cent of respondents were in support of a separate waste charge.

Is the Waste Service Charge covered by the rate cap? Will it increase every year?

In 2016, the Victorian Government introduced rate capping to restrict the amount that councils can raise their rates each year. The rate cap applies to general rates and municipal charges. It does not apply to waste charges or the Victorian Government’s Fire Services Property Levy. 

The Kerbside and Public Waste Service Charges are decided each year with the Council budget. The Essential Services Commission will review this and ensure we are only charging for the actual costs of waste services. If the cost of waste and recycling continues to increase, the charges will reflect that.

Information for residents

How much will I pay as a resident?

For the 2023-24 financial year, the Kerbside Waste Charge for residents is $295.74 and the Public Waste Charge is $200.93 (or $150.93 with a pensioner rebate).

Are there any concessions available?

Pensioners receive a $50 rebate on the Public Waste Charge.

Pension rebates on the general rates and Fire Services Levy also still apply. Find out more here.

What if I need financial assistance?

If you need support with your rates payments, there are a number of payment plan options available. Find out more here.

Will my bin collection or other waste services change?

No. You will still have the same bins and they will be collected as normal. You will also still have access to our other waste services, such as hard waste collections and passes for our Resource Recovery Centres (tip passes).

Will I still have to pay extra for a food and garden waste (FOGO) bin, or larger/additional bins?

Yes. The Kerbside Waste Charge only covers our standard bin services: 80L garbage bin and 240L recycling bin. Additional bins or larger garbage bins are optional and additional costs apply. 

Food and garden waste bins are currently an opt-in service that also incur additional costs. However, under the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria policy and action plan, all households must have access to a food and garden waste service by 2030. We plan to introduce this service to all households in 2024. From that time, food and garden waste bins will no longer incur an extra cost, and instead be included in the Kerbside Waste Charge.

Are we getting a glass recycling bin?

Not yet. Under the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria policy and action plan, all households must have access to a glass recycling service by 2027. We don’t yet have a date for when we will introduce a glass bin, but when we do, it will be included in the Kerbside Waste Charge.

I live in an apartment block with a private waste service. Do I still have to pay the Kerbside Waste Charge?

If your residential property cannot receive Council-provided kerbside waste services, you will not have to pay the Kerbside Waste Charge. This mainly applies to some apartment blocks and vacant land. 

However, you will still have to pay the Public Waste Charge.

Can I opt out of my bin collection service so that I don’t have to pay the Kerbside Waste Charge?

No. Council is obligated to provide waste services to all residential properties, so the Kerbside Waste Charge is compulsory.

Information for businesses

How much will I pay as a business?

The Kerbside Waste Charge is $295.74 for all ratepayers, including businesses. This cost only applies to businesses that have a Council-serviced waste collection. 

The Public Waste Charge for businesses is calculated based on the property’s Capital Improved Value (CIV).

My business uses a private waste service. Do I still have to pay the Kerbside Waste Charge?

No. You only have to pay the Kerbside Waste Charge if you use Council’s kerbside waste services. 

However, you will still have to pay the Public Waste Charge.

Why do businesses have to pay the Public Waste Charge?

The Public Waste Charge covers the cost of keeping public spaces clean, through things like providing and maintaining public litter bins, street sweeping, cleaning up litter from roadsides and reserves and collecting and disposing of illegally dumped rubbish. 

All ratepayers benefit from these services, which is why both residents and businesses have to pay the Public Waste Charge.

I live in Hume and pay rates on my residential property. Why is the Public Waste Charge different for my business?

For residents, the Public Waste Charge is a flat fee of $200.93, or $150.93 with a pensioner rebate.  

For businesses, the Public Waste Charge is calculated based on your property’s Capital Improved Value (CIV).