Artist-in-Residence Program

Sunbury Arts Precinct

Applications have now closed

Hume City Council is seeking six (6) artists and/or art collectives for an Artist-in-Residence programme to develop work/s that reflect and inform community aspirations and ideas for the Sunbury Community, Arts and Cultural Precinct.


Hume’s Creative Community Strategy 2020-2025 commits Council to fostering ‘an engaged community where creative participation and partnerships thrive’ (Goal 4). To pursue this goal Council’s priority is that:

innovative engagement initiatives place creative expression and community voices at the centre of Council planning and governance so that diverse community members feel heard and valued (Strategic Priority 4.1).

The Sunbury Community, Arts and Cultural Precinct will consist of a range of upgraded heritage buildings that form part of Jacksons Hill, Circular Drive Sunbury.

Council’s vision is to create a destination that preserves and celebrates Sunbury’s significant cultural heritage and supports arts, community, cultural, social and learning activities that are connected, creative, vibrant, inviting and valued.

Hume City Council recently leased Buildings 22 (formerly the Women’s Refractory) and Building 24 and has engaged an architect for the Concept Design of Stage 1 buildings and landscapes to facilitate a participatory process involving the community. Council intends for the arts to be front and centre in the project, and so this Artist-in-Residence programme offers one of the first chances to activate spaces on site, and to critically lead the development with creativity. You can find out more about the project here: Sunbury Community, Arts and Cultural Precinct - Hume City Council