Dawn dwellers and creek creatures - Signal Cabinet 4
The fourth traffic signal cabinet at the corner of Rayfield Avenue and Craigieburn Road features artwork by Kathleen Jessop.
Dawn Dwellers
Dawn is a wonderful time to experience the wildlife around Craigieburn, and the Victorian grasslands more broadly. This piece includes depictions of the brushtail possum, Australian magpie, eastern grey kangaroo, whistling kite (bird of prey), dusky moorhen, blue-tongued skink and eucalyptus gum nuts. The more we know about our native flora and fauna, the more we are galvanised to protect it and share it with others. The Craigieburn Grasslands Flora and Fauna Reserve happens to be one of the most significant remaining examples of Western Plains Basalt Grassland in the state.
Creek Creatures
When I was a child, Craigieburn was in the process of expanding. Earth moving equipment was all over the place, taking the huge rocks from the ground and preparing it for development. During this process, I got to see a huge range of creatures burst forth, whether it was from the newly turned soil or from the creek system nearby. This work features animals native to the area, including the eastern banjo frog (pobblebonk), spotted marsh frog, common eastern froglet, yabby, mole cricket and water boatman (a type of freshwater insect). You will hear them after it rains in Craigieburn!
About the artist
Kathleen Jessop is an artist who perceives the world through intricate details. Her work, characterised by both surreal and expressionist elements, is deeply inspired by the natural world and the unseen forces that shape it.
Kathleen's playful and distinctive style creates a sense of continuity, inviting viewers to engage with her pieces and reflect on their own interpretations and internal experiences. Her admiration for native Australian flora and fauna is evident across all her mediums, from ink and fine liner to gouache, acrylic, and aerosol.
Through her art, Kathleen invites us to explore the beauty and complexity of nature, encouraging a deeper connection to the world around us.
Explore the Craigieburn Road Legacy Art Trail
Craigieburn Rd & Rayfield Ave, Craigieburn 3064 View Map
Craigieburn Rd & Rayfield Ave ,
Craigieburn 3064
Craigieburn Rd & Rayfield Ave ,
Craigieburn 3064
Dawn dwellers and creek creatures - Signal Cabinet 4