Flora and Fauna

Next date: Friday, 28 March 2025 | 01:00 PM to Sunday, 30 March 2025 | 04:00 PM


Oliver Ashworth – Martin | Julie Harley | Lasantha Hitibandaranayake | Nina Koleva | Maggie Maclean 

Flora and Fauna showcases the unique perspectives of five local artists, through a stunning collection of artworks, including paintings, illustrations, photography, and glasswork.  

Using art as a conduit for expression, this exhibition captures the symbolism, strength, and majesty of nature while also delving into themes of self-reflection and healing. The works invite viewers to explore and appreciate the intricate complexities of the environment, showcasing the profound interplay between humanity and nature.

Through creativity, these pieces illuminate how the natural world continually ignites our imagination, encouraging a deeper connection to the beauty and resilience of our surroundings.

With nature as muse, this exhibition invites us to ponder on the wonders and the intelligence, awe and beauty of nature in all it’s forms.

This exhibition is being shown in conjunction with The Miracle of Oceans, by Donata Uncanin.

Launch event: Launch of: The Miracle of Oceans and Flora & Fauna exhibitions.




  • Tuesday, 12 November 2024 | 09:00 AM - Sunday, 30 March 2025 | 04:00 PM


Gallery at Sunbury Hume Global Learning Centre, 44 Macedon Street, Sunbury, 3429, View Map

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