Wominjeka! Welcome!

In honouring Reconciliation and NAIDOC weeks, the Gee Lee-Wik Doleen gallery has been transformed into a welcoming space for people to gather, learn and celebrate in the rich and diverse heritage of Hume’s First Nations communities.

Featuring works from First Nations artists, including the NAIDOC poster series from our Civic Collections and stories from the Stolen Generations community in conjunction with Stolen Generations Marker Project; this exhibition expresses the beauty, resilience and wisdom of First Nations people inspired by their legacy as the oldest continuous living cultures on earth.

The Stolen Generations Marker located on the Craigieburn wetlands, pays tribute to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait children who were forcibly removed from their families and communities and denied their identity, family and traditions due to the race-based policies that were in force over the last century.

The Marker stands as an acknowledgement of the past injustices, and is an opportunity for the broader community to recognise and work together with First Nations people towards a reparative future in support of Truth – telling and reconciliation.


  • Friday, 17 May 2024 | 10:00 AM - Sunday, 18 August 2024 | 04:00 PM


Gee Lee-Wik Dolleen Gallery, Gee Lee-Wik Doleen Gallery, Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn, Craigieburn, 3064, View Map

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