Hume Women in Business Luncheon

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Rachael led the Australian expedition to Davis Station, Antarctica - the second female to lead a team at the Station and the youngest ever leader.

She managed a team of 18 people through the long, dark, Antarctic winter and through trial and error built a resilient and highly successful team based on the foundation that ‘respect trumps harmony’.

Since returning Rachael has completed her MBA, written 2 best-selling books, Leading on the Edge and Respect Trumps Harmony, and has presented at over 2000 events around the world.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to see Rachael Robertson live in person.  


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  • Thursday, 30 May 2024 | 12:00 PM - 02:30 PM


Meadowbank Estate, 1 Eldon Street, Campbellfield, View Map

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