Keep Hume Clean

We are dedicated to ensuring that Hume City is a great place to live, work and visit. Launched in March 2023, our Keep Hume Clean campaign is focused on improving the cleanliness of our city through services, education, awareness and infrastructure.
Check back here for regular updates on the campaign, as well as information on how you can do your part to help Keep Hume Clean.
Illegal dumping in Hume
Dumped rubbish is an ongoing issue in Hume. Last financial year, we cleaned up 4,881 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish at a cost of $4.7 million. Dumped rubbish is unpleasant to look at and expensive to clean up. It’s also a health and safety hazard and a threat to the environment.
The good news is, we already have the solution. Every household in Hume is entitled to a range of services to help you get rid of unwanted household items and other things that are difficult to dispose of. And they're not just for homeowners – renters can use them too!
How you can help Keep Hume Clean
We all deserve to be proud of where we live. To do that, we need to work together to Keep Hume Clean. Here’s how you can help.
The best thing you can do is dispose of your own waste responsibly and help us spread the word about our services.
- Sell, donate or give away unwanted items
If your unwanted items could be useful to someone else, try and find them a new home.
- Keep your nature strip clear
It’s illegal to leave unwanted items on your nature strip without permission, even if you have booked a hard waste collection. Keep them within your property, or request permission from Council if you need it.
- Use your waste vouchers
Each year you get five waste vouchers to get rid of up to 10m3 of waste for free. Use them to drop off waste at our Resource Recovery Centres or book hard waste or bundled branch collections.
- Visit us on Hume Clean Days
Take mattresses, couches, tyres and garden clippings to our Resource Recovery Centres for free on the first weekend in March, June, September and December.
- Take big branches to our mulching days
You can even bring some free mulch home for your garden.
- Organise your own litter clean-up
Register your event at the Clean Up Australia website and get your local community involved!
Meet the Waste Response team
To help community members access our bulk waste services and address dumped rubbish in residential areas, we have introduced a Waste Response team. Maybe you’ve spotted them out and about in your neighbourhood!
The Waste Response team responds to reports of dumped rubbish to see if they can find the owner and help them use our hard waste services instead.
They also put up tape, stickers and signs to let people know if a pile of rubbish has been booked for hard waste collection, needs to be moved or is under investigation.
They’re really friendly and love to help people with their hard waste, so if you see them give them a wave or say hello!
For more waste disposal options and to find a local recycling drop-off location near you check out Recycle Mate's helpful tool on our What Goes in Each Bin Page.
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