Infrastructure and Assets


The Infrastructure and Assets Division is responsible for managing a diverse range of community infrastructure and services for Council and the community. This includes project managing Council’s capital works program and sub divisional development, and maintaining Council’s assets including footpaths, roads, parks, bridges, and buildings. The division is also responsible for waste management, waste education and landfills, maintaining parks, gardens and open space, rural land support, climate action and protecting Hume City’s biodiversity.

Current vacancies

Infrastructure Delivery

The Infrastructure Delivery department is responsible for Hume City Council’s annual capital works program for buildings, roads, landscaping, and footpaths, through project management, direct contract management and supervision. The team also manages the procurement phase for capital projects and looks after the construction contracts between Council and the successful tenderers. Infrastructure delivery includes the surveillance of civil works in new subdivisions to ensure the final built drainage, streets and house lots conform to engineering standards.


The Assets department is responsible for the management and maintenance of Council assets including local roads, bridges, drains, footpaths, parking spaces, streetscapes and lighting, and buildings. The department also undertakes local area traffic management studies, investigates traffic management and is responsible for compliance with the Road Management Act 2004.

City Parks and Open Spaces

City Parks and Open Spaces maintains more than 2,800 hectares of open space, including an AFL standard facility, state rugby facility and premier league soccer and cricket facilities, playgrounds, park infrastructure, exercise facilities, and conservation reserves.

Project Management Office

The Project Management Office collaborates with staff across the organisation to lead or advise on all Hume City Council projects. The department ensures initiatives and investments are aligned with Council’s policies to provide value to the Hume community and includes project managing Council’s capital works program and subdivisional development

Waste and Sustainability

The Waste and Sustainability department supports and encourages Hume City Council and the community to adopt sustainable waste practices. The department manages a range of services including organics and waste collection, street sweeping, drainage maintenance, waste education, litter and dumped rubbish clean-up and contract management.

Climate Action Integration

The Climate Action Integration team is responsible for coordinating Hume City Council’s climate action plan and our climate adaptation response. This includes rolling out solar and energy efficiency initiatives across council buildings, progressing Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) in new council buildings, delivering the household energy program to support households to implement more efficient energy approaches and prepare legislated reporting on our emissions. The team also coordinates delivery of Council’s integrated water management plan.

Current vacancies