Craigieburn Sports Stadium Car Park and Access Road

  • Project statusPlanning
  • Project value2.395 Million
Building a Better Hume Wordmark.jpg

What we're doing

We are in planning stages of designing a car park and access road at the rear of the Craigieburn Sports Stadium. 

Upcoming works at Craigieburn Gardens (March 2025):

We will be undertaking environmental and soil investigations at Craigieburn Gardens site. These investigations will help inform the design of the future car park and accessway, as well as future planning for this site.

While these works are in progress, the dog park and BMX facility will be closed during the hours of 7am-4pm on Wednesday 12 March, and Tuesday 25 March to Thursday 27 March 2025.


127 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn 3064  View Map

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