Highgate Recreation Reserve Playspace Upgrade

  • Project statusConstruction
What are we doing?

In 2021, Council invited feedback from the community on improvements to the playspace at Highgate Recreation Reserve, Craigieburn. More information about the consultation period can be found here.

We have engaged contractors to make valuable upgrades to this reserve and enhance the space for our community to enjoy, including replacement of the playspace, and landscaping works.

Works will include:
  • A new playspace which includes play units, swing set, nest swing and see saw, carousel, rocker and natural play elements
  • New park seating, drinking fountain and bike hoops
  • New shelter with picnic settings and BBQ
What does this mean?

The playspace will be closed while the works take place, and temporary fencing will be installed around the perimeter. 

The footpath beside the playspace will be open during the majority of works, but on some occasions may need to be closed. This will only occur during the permitted work hours of Monday to Friday 7am and 5pm.

The footpath along Cleveland Drive, and the remainder of Highgate Recreation Reserve, including the car park and access to the public toilet, will remain open during the works period, unless noted otherwise.

When will these works be complete?

Due to weather delays, this playspace is now scheduled to open in early 2025. We look forward to providing an exciting facility in the new year.





220 Grand Boulevard, Craigieburn 3064  View Map

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