Information for Children and Young People

Information for children and and young people (1) (002).jpg

At Hume City Council we have zero tolerance for child abuse. That means that all children and young people have the right to feel safe and to be safe.

All Council staff have a responsibility to make sure this happens; we have clear policies in place and all staff have been trained to make sure that children and young people are safe.

Each year staff must sign a ‘Safeguarding Code of Conduct’ which explains how they can and can’t behave.

Things that adults are NOT allowed to do: 

  • No one is allowed to hurt you:
    • Physically – e.g. hitting, punching, grabbing you or causing you to be injured 
    • Emotionally – e.g. being rude to you, threatening you, yelling or swearing at you, bullying you or embarrassing you in front of others 
    • Sexually – e.g. talking to you or touching you in a sexual manner, trying to encourage you to touch them or have sex, showing you inappropriate images
  • Show favouritism or give you gifts
  • Encourage you to break the rules
  • Ask you to keep secrets
  • Treat you differently or harshly because of your gender, culture, sexuality or disability
  • Meet you outside of your activity or group
  • Connect with you privately on your phone or on the internet

Things that adults ARE allowed to do:

  • Help you feel welcome and safe
  • Speak to you in a kind and respectful way
  • Include you and ask your opinion when making decisions that affect you
  • Listen to you and support you
  • If they find out information that means that you or someone else is unsafe, an adult must tell someone – this might include the police

If you feel like any person in the Council has broken these rules, it is important that we know so we can keep you and other children and young people safe.

You can do this by:

Links to supports:

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. 

Phone: 1800 55 1800



Yarning SafeNStrong (YSNS)

VAHS runs YSNS a free and confidential counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who need to have a yarn with someone about their wellbeing. Open 24 hours, 7 days a week. 

Phone: 1800 959 563

Youth Support at Hume City Council

Hume Youth Engagement & Pathways Unit (YEP) provides support and resources for young people aged 12-24.


QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTQI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

Phone: 1800 184 527

Online chat: QLife - Web Chat

Staying Safe Online for Children

e-safety commission resources to stay safe online

Staying Safe Online for Young People

e-safety commission resources to stay safe online

54 Reasons - Children and Young People's Rights

54 reasons exists to make rights real for kids all across Australia. With young people's voices at the centre of their work, they provide services aimed at helping children and young people achieve their goals. They also work with kids to change the system — making it better for all kids in Australia.