Information for Public Inspection

The documents listed below are available for public inspection.

You can download select documents below or contact Council's Governance team on 9205 2200 if you require to view any documents available for inspection in person. Documents may be viewed but not removed.

Please note that all registers available for public inspection are updated quarterly.

For any enquiries, please contact Council's Governance team on 9205 2200. 

14 Result(s) Found

Details of overseas or interstate travel (other than interstate travel by land for less than 3 days) undertaken in an official capacity by any Councillor or member of Council staff in the previous 12 months, including:

  • the name of the Councillor or member of Council staff;
  • the dates on which the travel began and ended;
  • the destination of the travel;
  • the purpose of the travel; and
  • the total cost to Council of the travel, including accommodation costs.


Under Section 133 of the Local Government Act 2020, a specified person must lodge an initial personal interests return with the Chief Executive Officer containing the matters prescribed by the regulations. 

In addition, where a specified person continues to be a specified person, they must lodge a biannual personal interest return with the Chief Executive Officer containing the matters prescrived by the regulations twice yearly by the end of each prescribed period, being the period from 1 March to 31 March, and 1 September to 30 September. 

Included here, are the summaries of both the Initial Personal Interest Returns, and the most recent Biannual Personal Interest Returns as submitted to the Chief Executive Officer (to be uploaded once available).


Council currently has two community asset committees under Section 65 of the the Act to manage two community halls. These community asset committees are delegated the function, duties and powers to oversee the operation of their relevant facility. Provided below, is a copy of each of those delegated powers for each Section 65 Committee.

Minutes from special committee meetings held in the last 12 months, other than those relating to a part of a meeting that was closed to the public are listed below.

Foresters Hall Westmeadows

Instrument of Delegation(PDF, 2MB)

Committee Meeting Documents 

16 July 2020   Minutes


Gladstone Park Community Centre

Instrument of Delegation(PDF, 2MB)

Committee Meeting Documents

21 July 2020 Minutes(PDF, 339KB)

19 May 2020  Minutes(PDF, 2MB)


The Audit and Risk Committee assists Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities including financial management, occupational health and safety, risk, privacy and governance. The Audit and Risk Committee reviews the year-end reporting process, the system of internal control, management of financial risks and the internal and external audit process. The Committee carries out its work bearing in mind Council's desire to operate in an ethical environment with good corporate governance practices.

Information on procedures for the selection and appointment of the Audit and Risk Committee

Independent members (3) of the Audit and Risk Committee are appointed for a fixed term of up to four years and are eligible for reappointment by Council to a maximum of eight years. At the expiry of a term, suitably qualified external applications with experience in financial management, risk management, auditing, local government or other relevant disciplines are sought. Applications are reviewed and shortlisted, with interviews conducted by a panel of Audit and Risk Committee members and senior Council officers. Councillor members are appointed at Council’s annual statutory meeting.

Information on procedure for selecting an Internal Audit Services provider

Council appoints its internal auditor through a public tender process. Applications are reviewed and shortlisted, with interviews conducted by a panel of Audit and Risk Committee members and senior Council officers. Hume City Council’s internal auditor reports to the Audit and Risk Committee and attends each Committee meeting. Council appointed HLB Mann Judd on 1 July 2021 as its internal audit services provider.  This contract will expire on 30 June 2024.

Meeting Dates

Council’s Audit and Risk Committee have scheduled meetings for the following dates for 2022

  • Friday, 1 March 2024

  • Friday, 31 May 2024

  • Friday, 23 August 2024

  • Friday, 20 September 2024 (2023/24 Financial Reports)

  • Friday, 29 November 2024


Audit and Risk Committee Members

Jen Johanson

Independent Member of Hume City Council Audit and Risk Committee, April 2021 - April 2023

Independent Chair of the Hume City Council Audit and Risk Committee, April 2023 - present

Professional background:

Ms Johanson is a qualified and experienced Chartered Accountant and internal auditor, with over thirty years’ experience in internal audit in Australia and in the United Kingdom, at Andersen’s, as Head of Audit Services at ANZ, and currently working in a part time capacity in cyber security and privacy risk services with RSM Australia.

Ms Johanson is currently an independent member of:

  • Audit and Risk Management Committee at Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission,
  • Finance and Audit Committee of the Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development of the ACT government,
  • Finance, Risk and Audit Committee of Education Services Australia,
  • Audit and Risk Committee of South Gippsland Shire Council, and
  • Finance and Audit Committee of Trinity College, University of Melbourne


  • Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)
  • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
  • Audit and Risk Committee of Brimbank City Council

Shannon Buckley


Independent Member of Hume City Council Audit and Risk Committee, April 2020 – present.

Professional background:

Shannon Buckley is an experienced audit and risk management professional with over 20+ years of audit, risk management and operational experience.  He specialises in operational, IT and project audits. 

He has 20 years of risk management and audit (external and internal audit) with experience in large multi-national organisations including Deakin, Telstra, National Australia Bank, Victorian Public Sector and Bupa Asia Pacific.  His operational experience includes business process re-engineering and project management and delivery.  He is a trained as a Six Sigma Black Belt.

He is author of numerous articles and has presented at a number of conferences on issues ranging from cybersecurity, risk culture and report writing.  He is also an educator teaching at Post Graduate level. Shannon also sits on the Audit and Risk Committees of the City of Bendigo and Maryborough District Health Services.


  • Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
  • Certified Practicing Accounting (CPA)
  • Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)
  • Certified in Governance of IT (CGEIT)
  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified Fraud Examiner.  

Bruce Potgieter

Independent Member of Hume City Council Audit and Risk Committee, May 2023 – present.

Professional background:

Bruce Potgieter has a vast breadth of knowledge and experience across a range of government and private sectors in relation to audit, risk management, and compliance.  He has a demonstrated ability to respectfully challenge management where required and has a clear understanding of the challenges a growth Council such as Hume faces.

Bruce Potgieter also has a strong experience in the local government sector, which includes: 

  • Current and previous memberships of local government Audit Committees;
  • As a VAGO agent for numerous local government audits;
  • As an internal auditor for 10 metropolitan Councils through previous employment;
  • As a member of the ICAA Local Government Taskforce;
  • As Chair of the Municipal Association of Victoria Reporting Awards Committee;
  • Conducting due diligence audits at 23 newly merged Councils during the Kennett government’s rationalization of the sector.


  • Institute of Internal Auditors in Australia (no longer financial),
  • Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants (no longer financial)
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants,
  • Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants - South Africa
  • University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Councillor Representation

Cr Naim Kurt and Cr Jarrod Bell

Substitute Members: 

Cr Jodi Jackson and Cr Karen Sherry

Additional Documents

Audit and Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 156KB) 


Under the Local Government Act 2020, Section 306:

Within 40 days of election day, a person who was a candidate in the election must give an election campaign donation return to the Chief Executive Officer. An election campaign donation return must -

  1. be in the prescribed form; and 
  2. contain the prescribed details in respect of any gifts received during the donation period by or on behalf of the candidate, to be used for or in connection with the election campaign, the amount or value of which is equal to or exceeds the gift disclosure threshold.

Copies of Election Donation Return forms will be included in Candidate Information Kits and will be made accessible on this page when they become available.

Within 14 days after the deadline for lodgement of completed Campaign Donation Returns by candidates, summaries of each return lodged will be made available on Council’s website and will include the following information:

a) the name of the candidate
b) if a gift is included in the return, the name of the person who made the gift, and the value of the gift received from that person

This information will remain on Council's Internet site until the close of the roll for the next general election.

The 2020 Campaign Donation Returns Summary can be accessed here(PDF, 160KB) .

Copies of completed Campaign Donation Returns will be available for inspection only upon application at Council’s office for 4 years. To make an appointment to view completed Campaign Donation Returns, please contact the Governance team on 9205 2200.

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