Councillor Expenses

Mayoral and Councillor allowance 

On 7 March 2022, in accordance with section 23A of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 (Vic) (VIRTIPS Act), the Tribunal made the Allowance payable to Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2022.

The Determination applies to all Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors (Council members) in all Victorian Councils. 

The Determination sets a base allowance for each Council member. The value of the base allowance payable to a Council member varies depending on the role (Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Councillor) and the Council allowance category assigned to the Council as specified in the Determination. Hume City Council under this classification system is ranked the fourth highest Council in the State (excluding the City of Melbourne), in Category 3. Council's high ranking is due to the municipality’s large population to Councillor ratio, its location within a significant growth corridor, its cultural diversity and the economic challenges for its residents. 

The figures effective from 18 December 2023 (for a Category 3 Council) are:

  • Mayors: $130,390 p.a.
  • Deputy Mayors: $65,195 p.a.
  • Councillors: $39,390 p.a.

Councillor Expenses

The Council Expenses Policy provides a broad overview of how Council provides assistance and support to the Mayor and Councillors in carrying out their role and official duties.

As part of Council's commitment to open government, Council has decided that details of Councillor expenses be released on a regular basis and be accessible on Council's website.

Councillors are each provided with a laptop, wireless internet access (9G maximum per month), iPhone, iPad, multi-function printer, fax and scanner and Cabcharge Card (expenditure is shown in attachments below).

For full details of costs incurred by Councillors and Council Staff while travelling interstate and overseas on Council business, please refer to the following Interstate and Overseas Travel Register, published on a quarterly basis.