Arts Grants
The Arts Grants program assists local artists and creative practitioners to improve their practice capability and economic viability, helping to create more visible and accessible arts and cultural practice in Hume.
This program is intended for applicants who have demonstrated a strong commitment to their chosen arts or heritage practice.
View the guidelines(PDF, 967KB) to learn about eligibility criteria, funding amounts, key dates and the application process.
If you have further questions about the program, please email us at
Creative Activity Grant
Grant Amount: Up to $3,000
Apply for this grant if you are an individual or organisation with a small to medium scale project, you are wanting to attend professional development opportunities or purchase equipment to support your creative practice.
This category is ideal for projects that support emerging artistic practice, develop and trial new ideas and support the generation of new work. Funding also supports the costs to attend recognised opportunities and purchase of equipment to further develop your creative practice. Opportunities and work must be of benefit to the Hume community.
Examples include:
- Support to develop a new exhibition, composition, or other artwork.
- Small community projects (for example to initiate classes, groups, room hire).
- Creative production costs (eg. printing, studio use, mastering).
- Specialised equipment (printing equipment, recording equipment).
- Professional development and learning opportunities to support your chosen creative or heritage practice.
All applicants must:
- Have a strong commitment to their chosen arts or heritage practice demonstrated through evidence of performance, public presentation, or documentation of a body of creative work. This includes literature, music, theatre, musical theatre, opera, dance, circus, heritage, comedy, puppetry, arts festivals, visual arts and crafts, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts, community arts, and experimental arts.
- Organisations must have a recognised legal structure (ie. company or incorporated association) or be auspiced (see p.6). Organisations/groups must be Hume-based and/or run the proposed activity or project from a location within Hume and/ or show that it will substantially benefit residents of Hume City.
- Be a resident of Hume City.
- Have no outstanding debts owing to Hume City Council.
- Have satisfactorily acquitted any previous funding received by Hume City Council (if applicable).
View the full guidelines(PDF, 967KB) to learn about the Individual and Organisation criteria.
Apply Now
Creative Project Grant
Grant Amount: Up to $20,000
Apply for this grant if you have a larger scale project that can demonstrate significant benefit to the arts sector and/or community. This category requires matched funding and public outcomes of significance. Matched funds are valued at 25% of total project cost, both cash or in-kind contributions are acceptable. Matched funds are at a ratio of 1:3 - for every $3 applied for from Council, the applicant must demonstrate a contribution of at least $1.
Examples include:
- Medium to long term participatory projects (including matched funds from other partners).
- Medium to large scale works of public art and performance.
- Collaborative projects with leaders in the arts sector.
All applicants must:
- Have a strong record of achievement in the arts sector. This includes literature, music, theatre, musical theatre, opera, dance, circus, heritage, comedy, puppetry, arts festivals, visual arts and crafts, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts, community arts, and experimental arts.
- Organisations must have a recognised legal structure (ie. company or incorporated association) or be auspiced (see p.6). Organisations/groups must be Hume-based and/or run the proposed activity or project from a location within Hume and/ or show that it will substantially benefit residents of Hume City.
- Be a resident of Hume City.
- Have no outstanding debts owing to Hume City Council.
- Have satisfactorily acquitted any previous funding received by Hume City Council (if applicable).
View the full guidelines(PDF, 967KB) to learn about the Individual and Organisation criteria.
Apply Now
Information Sessions
Online session: Monday 17 February, 6pm -7pm
Email to receive a Zoom link.
Broadmeadows: Tuesday 18 February, 6pm -7pm
Broadmeadows Library at Hume Global Learning Centre – Broadmeadows
1093 Pascoe Vale Rd, Broadmeadows 3047
Craigieburn: Wednesday 19 February, 6pm -7pm
Gee Lee-Wik Doleen Gallery at Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn
75-95 Central Park Ave, Craigieburn 3064
Sunbury: Thursday 20 February, 6pm-7pm
Sunbury Gallery at Hume Global Learning Centre – Sunbury
44 Macedon St, Sunbury 3429
No bookings are required for the in-person information sessions.
We are committed to ensuring our programs can be accessed by all, if you have specific access requirements or any queries about the Arts Grants program, please contact the Arts Grants Officer at or 0427 123 394.
Translation Service
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