Citizenship Ceremonies

Council conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Commonwealth Government, under the Citizenship Act 1948. 

Check your invitation to confirm the details of your ceremony.

If you are late to the ceremony, you may not be able to receive your certificate.

2025 Citizenship Ceremony Dates

Further citizenship dates will be added as they are confirmed.

Date Location
Sunday 26 January Town Hall Broadmeadows
Thursday 30 January Town Hall Broadmeadows
Tuesday 18 February Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 
Thursday 20 February  Town Hall Broadmeadows
Tuesday 4 March  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 18 March  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 
Tuesday 1 April  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn
Wednesday 23 April  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 20 May  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn
Thursday 22 May  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 12 June  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 17 June  Hume Global Learning Centre - Sunbury 
Tuesday 8 July  Town Hall Broadmeadows
Tuesday 22 July  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 19 August  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 
Tuesday 26 August  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Thursday 18 September  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 23 September  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 7 October  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 21 October  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 
Tuesday 11 November  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 18 November  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 
Tuesday 2 December  Town Hall Broadmeadows 
Tuesday 16 December  Hume Global Learning Centre - Craigieburn 


Citizenship ceremony dates may be cancelled or amended at Council's discretion.


You must bring to the following items to the ceremony:

  • Your invitation letter from the Department of Home Affairs
  • Photo identification e.g. your passport or drivers licence.
  • If you do not have photo identification, you must bring three different forms of identification with your name on each. 

If you do not bring suitable identification or proof, you may not be able to receive your certificate on the evening.

The Mayor or Deputy Mayor of Hume City leads our citizenship ceremonies.

At the ceremony, successful applicants make a pledge of commitment as a citizen of the Commonwealth of Australia. All new citizens are then presented with a Certificate of Australian Citizenship, which formally represents your Australian citizenship.

Councillors and Members of Parliament who represent Hume at a state and federal level are also invited to attend citizenship ceremonies.

Yes, you are welcome to bring along guests to your citizenship ceremony. There are currently no limits to the number of guests that may attend.

All citizenship candidates will be seated together for the ceremony. Your guest will not be able to sit next to you during the ceremony as they will be seated in a separate designated area, unless you require a support person.

You are welcome to take photos both during and after the ceremony, however you must remain seated.

Please refer to the following policy to ensure you wear appropriate clothing to attend the citizenship ceremony. 

Citizenship Dress Code Policy(PDF, 420KB)

Request a Citizenship Application Pack

You can get an application to become an Australian citizen online from the Department of Home Affairs or by phoning 131 880. The application pack includes eligibility criteria and supporting information.

Your invitation

If your application is approved you will be sent a written invitation by the Department of Home Affairs, advising you of the time, date and location of your citizenship ceremony. Invitations may be sent up to six months after you receive notification of your successful application for citizenship.

If you are unable to attend the ceremony on the nominated date, you should contact the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880 to make alternative arrangements.

Contact Home Affairs for all enquiries

Council is not responsible for allocating candidates to ceremony dates, this is done by the Department of Home Affairs. If you would like to enquire about your status in the waiting list, please contact the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880. Council is also unable to assist with any enquiries regarding the completion of the Citizenship Application form.

All new citizens over the age of 18 are eligible to enrol to vote. This enrolment can be completed at the citizenship ceremony and allows new citizens to vote at Commonwealth, state and local council elections.

Voting at Commonwealth, state and local council elections is compulsory and there are fines for not voting without a valid excuse.

The Department of Home Affairs provides resources and information on their website at to assist individuals who will be taking a Citizenship test. The information below is taken from the Department’s website.  

Preparing For a Citizenship Test

To prepare for a Citizenship test an individual should:

Citizenship Test Questions

Questions in the Citizenship test are based on:

  • Australia and its people;
  • Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties;
  • government and the law in Australia;
  • an understanding and commitment to Australian values based on freedom, respect and equality.

The Australian Citizenship Test is conducted in English only, however the Our Common Bond booklet can be read in other languages to help prepare for the test.  

If you have an enquiry about the Citizenship test, please contact the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880.