Population Profile Hume City has experienced significant growth, with its population increasing by nearly 121,800 people from 2003 to 2023, reaching an estimated 262,764 in 2023.
City Profile Spatial overview of the city, and brief summary of Aboriginal and post colonisation history.
Community Profile Our community profile provide a unique picture of your local community and help you understand how it is changing.
Mental and Physical Health Positive mental wellbeing is associated with better physical health outcomes, positive interpersonal relationships and healthier communities.
Community Connection and Safety When people become disconnected from community life, whether due to safety concerns, physical isolation, mental health challenges, or disabilities, it can have a profound affect on their personal wellbeing and the overall health of the community
Income, Housing and Transportation Hume City is a highly disadvantaged area in Greater Melbourne with significant poverty, rising housing costs, and traffic congestion due to rapid development and limited public transport.
Healthy Lifestyles Healthy lifestyles are shaped by: social connection, regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, participation in education or employment, access to essential services, and avoiding alcohol and illicit substance use.
Education and Employment Education is critical for supporting the cognitive and social development of individuals and communities, increasing future employment opportunities and income levels.
Climate and Environment Climate change has an impact on health and wellbeing and how we live is creating in increasing footprint on our environment, resulting in the depletion of resources, increased generation of waste and pollution.