Community Connection and Safety


Social connection is vital for wellbeing. When people become disconnected from community life, whether due to safety concerns, physical isolation, mental health challenges, or disabilities, it can profoundly affect on both their personal wellbeing and the overall health of the community. Loneliness and social isolation increase risks of mental illness, suicide, premature death, smoking, physical inactivity and poor sleep, as well as biological effects including impaired immunity and high blood pressure and conditions such as dementia.

A strong sense of safety fosters active participation in community life, enabling individuals to feel free to engage in social, cultural, and recreational activities, strengthening community participation and relations. Perceptions of safety can vary based on the time of day, location, and specific situations. Improving perceptions of safety is key to building a vibrant, connected, and resilient communities.

Family violence refers to any pattern of behavior that is violent, threatening, controlling, or intended to make a person or family feel scared and unsafe. Family Violence can be experienced by intimate partners, children, elders, extended family, carer relationships, or kinship networks. When domestic and family violence (DFV) occurs between adults, it can have significant and far-reaching effects on children in the household. Exposure to Family Violence in the home puts children at increased risk of poor health and social outcomes, including homelessness, learning difficulties, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, grief, and self-harm.

Key Learnings 

One in fourteen people aged 15 and over contribute to their communities through volunteer work.


Three in five adults agree that multiculturalism enhances community life.

One in five adults in Hume City reported experiencing discrimination in the past year.

One in five adults in Hume City report being highly satisfied with their lives.

One in four adults experience loneliness.

Hume City has a lower rate of criminal incidents compared to the broader Victoria region.

While the rate of family-related incidents in Hume City is slightly higher than the state average, it has been on a declining trend.


Life Satisfaction

According to the 2023 Victorian Population Health Survey around one in four adults in Hume City experience loneliness (25.8%), compared to 23.3% across Victoria. Furthermore, one in four adults have low-medium levels of life satisfaction (24.0%) vs 21.9% across Victoria. Those that are very highly satisfied with their life, equate to around one in five adults (20.0%), which is significantly lower compared to the Victorian rate of 26.0%.

The Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) is a measure of life satisfaction across seven domains of wellbeing. The PWI score for Hume City of 73.4 in 2024, sits just below the national average of 75.2 recorded in 2023 by the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index research team. Compared to the national data, Hume City has lower levels of life satisfaction across the standard of living, health, personal safety, community connectedness and future security domains. Hume City has a higher level of satisfaction on the personal relationships domain. The lowest scoring domains for Hume City are the community connectedness and future security domains.

Personal wellbeing indicators



Around one in fourteen people (7.3%) in Hume City aged 15 years and over do volunteer work for an organisation or group, lower in comparison to Greater Melbourne at 12.1%. Hume City has the third lowest rate of volunteering across all metropolitan local government areas. Findings from the 2024 Hume Community Survey show that the most common groups or services that people do volunteer at are ‘sports clubs’, ‘church or religious groups’, ‘school or parents groups’, and, ‘not for profit organisations’.

Feelings of Safety

Findings from the 2024 Hume Community Survey show that three in four persons (75.0%) feel safe walking in their local area alone during the day. Less people however, two in three (66.6%), feel safe at home by themselves after dark. Overall, four in five people (80.9%) are satisfied with how safe they feel.

Diversity and Discrimination

Findings from the 2023 Victorian Population Health Survey indicate that three in five adults in Hume City (60.7%) believe that multiculturalism makes life in their area better, lower compared to the Victorian rate of 66.5%. Close to one in five adults in Hume City reported experiencing discrimination in the last 12 months (17.7%), slightly higher than compared to Victoria at 15.8%. Furthermore, one in ten adults (9.7%) reported experiencing racism (discrimination due to their Aboriginal status, skin colour, nationality, race, and/or ethnic group), higher than the Victorian rate of 6.9%.

Crime Rates

The rate of criminal incidents in Hume City for the year ending March 2024 was 5,189 per 100,000 population, lower than the Victorian average of 5,686. The top five principal offence types were ‘stealing from a motor vehicle’, ‘other theft’, ‘criminal damage’, ‘breach of family violence order’ and ‘theft of a motor vehicle’. The rate of alleged offenders per 100,000 population for Hume City is 2,239 compared to 2,781 for Victoria. Those aged 45+ years account for the largest proportion of alleged offenders (18.4%), followed by those aged 30-34 years (16.5%). While youth aged 10-17 years account for only 10.6% of alleged offenders, the proportion of offenders in this age group has increased over the last four years. The person victimisation rate per 100,000 population for Hume City is 2,947 compared to 3,299 for Victoria. Those aged 25-34 years account for more than one quarter of victims (26.2%).

Family Violence

In 2022-23 Hume City recorded 3,641 incidents of family violence, with an incident rate of 1,406 per 100,000 population, slightly higher than the Victorian rate of 1,378. Family violence incidents included in this rate are those which required attendance by Victoria Police (though may not be criminal events) and where police identified that there was a familiar relationship between the individuals involved. Since 2019-20, the rate of family incidents in Hume City has been declining. Hume City currently has the fourth highest rate of family incidents per 100,000 population across Greater Melbourne.

The most common form of abuse is verbal abuse, accounting for 40.0% of recorded abuse types. This is followed by emotional abuse (26.6%) and physical abuse (16.6%).

Family violence incidents - rate per 100,000 population

Family violence incidents - rate per 100,000 population

Affected family members of family violence incidents are most commonly aged between 25-44 years of age, with almost one in two (49.0%) affected family members in this age group. Hume City has a higher proportion of younger persons as affected family members compared to Victoria. This is consistent with Hume’s younger age profile and high rates of family households with children. Approximately 75% of affected family members in family violence incidents in Hume are female, the same as the Victorian average.

In just over two out of five (42.6%) recorded incidents of family violence in Hume City, a child was present as either a victim or a witness. This is higher than the statewide rate of 36.7%.

Family violence incidents 2022-23 – Affected Family Member age group

Family violence incidents 2022-23 – Affected Family Member age group

Criminal Offences Relating to Family Violence

Almost one in four (23.2%) criminal offences in Hume City in 2022-23 related to family violence incidents. The most common offences were breach of a family violence order (41.7%) and family violence related common assault (17.0%). The rates per 100,000 population of family violence related offences in Hume City are slightly higher in Hume City when compared to Victoria (with the exception of breach of family violence order).

Family violence recorded offences – rate per 100,000 population 2022-23

Family violence recorded offences – rate per 100,000 population 2022-23

Sexual Offences

Sexual offences include rape, indecent assault, and other acts of a sexual nature against another person, which are non-consensual or where the person is deemed incapable of giving consent because of youth or temporary or permanent incapacity. In Victoria, sexual violence is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against women, About one third of reported sexual offences are related to family violence. In 2021-22 sexual offences in Hume City occurred at a rate of 10.4 per 10,000 people for females and 1.5 for males. Both rates are slightly lower than the Victorian averages (13.6 and 2.3 respectively).

Elder Abuse

Local level data on elder abuse is not available, however, a 2021 Australian study by the Australian Institute of Family Studies found that one in six older people experience elder abuse. An older person is defined as being over 65 years (or over 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people). The number of older people who experience abuse is likely higher as older people are often reluctant to report abuse. The most common types of elder abuse are financial abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological (emotional) abuse and neglect.

Socio-demographic characteristics associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing elder abuse include being separated, divorced or never married, having stepchildren, owning a home with a mortgage or renting (including living in public housing), and or living in a disadvantaged area. Experiences of elder abuse are associated with poorer physical health, poorer psychological health and a lower sense of social connection.

Road Accidents

There were just over 600 road accidents and more than 800 people were injured or died in road accidents across Hume City in 2023. Hume City had a rate of 235.6 road accidents per 100,000 population, slightly higher than compared to Victoria with 226.8. The rate of people injured or who died in road accidents in Hume City is also higher compared to Victoria at 309.4 per 100,000 population compared to 289.6. From 2012 to 2020 the rate of road accidents and people injured in road accidents had been showing a declining trend across Hume City, but has shown a rise in the last three years.

Road accidents per 100,000 population

Road accidents per 100,000 population

People injured per 100,000 population

People injured per 100,000 population