Population Profile


The current population of Hume City is estimated at around 262,764 (ABS ERP, 2023). Over the twenty years from 2003-2023 Hume has grown by almost 121,800 people (or 86.4%). This is the fifth largest and seventh fastest growth across Victoria. By 2046 the population is forecast to grow by almost 150,000 people, reaching 411,674 and growing at an average annual rate of 2.0% (Id forecasts, 2024).  

The age structure of Hume City's residents is relatively young compared to Greater Melbourne. There is a higher proportion of persons in all age groups below 20 years in Hume, compared to Greater Melbourne. Conversely, there is a lower proportion of persons in all age groups 45 years and over in Hume. 

Population by age, 2023 

A graph of green and orange bars showing the population by age profile for 2023. The orange represents Hume City and the Green Melbourne.

Over the next twenty years from 2024 to 2044, the largest increase in population will be in the 45-49 year age group (12,124 persons) followed by the 50-54 year age group (11,061 persons). In terms of growth (% change) the fastest growth will be in the 85+ (160.7%) and 80-84 (122.9%) year age groups. 

Forecast population by age, 2024-2044 

Over the next twenty years from 2024 to 2044, the largest increases in population will be in the suburbs of Sunbury and Mickleham. These two areas will account for more than two-thirds of Hume City’s growth. Other suburbs to experience large growth will be Greenvale, Craigieburn and Kalkallo. 

Forecast population by area, 2024-2044