Sunbury Community Arts and Cultural Precinct
- Project statusPlanning
- Project value8.276 Million
With support from the State Government, we are creating an arts and cultural precinct on Jacksons Hill in Sunbury.
The idea for this project came about many years ago as part of the State Government’s broader plan to revitalise and activate Jacksons Hill.
The original site ear-marked for the precinct is still part of an ongoing complex planning and heritage process. However, in October 2022, we signed a long-term lease with the State Government for a nearby parcel of land (Lot C) which houses two buildings – Building 22 the former Female Refractory and Building 24.
We are now developing plans to shape the future of the precinct and to deliver Stage 1 of the project, involving Lot C.
Concept plans
Following broad community consultation on the project in October last year, workshops with key groups in February and March this year, and community consultation in May, the final concept plans for Stage 1 of the project were endorsed at the Council Meeting on 24 June 2024.
View concept plans(PDF, 29MB)
The concept plans will help inform detailed designs, with construction commencing in early-2025. The works are expected to be complete in late 2025.
Design stage update: December 2024
The detailed design stage of our new community arts and cultural precinct is progressing well, with Heritage Victoria releasing the heritage permit for public notice on 18 December 2024. This is an important milestone for the project, with Heritage Victoria proceeding earlier than anticipated.
The permit expands upon the concept designs that were endorsed earlier this year, following an extensive community consultation program. The permit details the landscaping and internal works from a heritage perspective.
Heritage Permit Application(PDF, 72MB)
The permit and advertising process are also outlined on Heritage Victoria’s website.
The notice period closes on 17 January 2025.
Following the completion of the detailed design stage, construction and refurbishment works are scheduled to start in early 2025, with the centre scheduled to reopen in late 2025.
Rezoning the arts and cultural precinct
We’re writing to the Minister for Planning to seek a rezoning of the arts and cultural precinct land both for Stage 1 (the stage we’re working on now) and for future stages (the land around and including buildings 18, 19, 20 and 21). This change will allow us to create the arts and cultural precinct under the correct land-use zoning (PUZ6 – Public Use Zone – Local Government), and better protect the land for the future uses for our community.
Future operating model
We’re exploring a future operating model for the precinct that is initially Council-led (expressions of interest now open) and then transitions to a community-led incorporated association within 12-18 months of Stage 1 opening (late 2025). The planning and capacity building for the operating model is being developed in partnership with our community and key stakeholders.
Advisory Board Expressions of Interest now closed.
A report reviewing the operations of the precinct and outlining the steps to transition to a community-led association will go to a future Council Meeting (within 12 months of the precinct opening) for consideration.
Funding for a lookout at Jacksons Hill
As an extension of our Sunbury Community Arts and Cultural Precinct, Council will receive $40,000 towards a lookout at Jacksons Hill. The funding has been allocated through the EPA’s restorative justice program.
The lookout will be located on the South-East corner of the Sunbury Community Arts and Cultural Precinct on Jacksons Hill, Sunbury.
The lookout will connect people to the landscape and waterways between Melbourne and Jacksons Hill and educate community of the importance of land conservation and connection to country through First Nations songlines and story lines.
Jacksons Hill has been identified as a location of cultural significance for Traditional Owners (including social and spiritual), as a directional marker, and as part of the Naarm (Melbourne) - Koora Koora Cup (Sunbury area) – Wil-im-ee Moor-ring (north of Lancefield) songlines.
Council is proud to be partnering with Wurundjeri to bring this project to life.