Sunbury Multideck Car Park

  • Project statusComplete
  • Project value$39.1 million
  • ContractorKane Constructions
  • Completion date31 December 2024
Hume City Council - Sunbury Multideck Car Park Project-1 (1).jpg

The Sunbury Multideck Car Park opened five months ahead of schedule on Monday 22 July and is now available for commuters and shoppers to use for free. 

We’ve made commuting easier for hundreds of Sunbury locals with a new multi deck car park at Sunbury Station to improve parking and access to public transport.   

Project Summary

What we've done

We've constructed a multideck car park which has delivered 300 new car parking spaces for commuters, as well as increased availability of parking for shoppers and visitors to the thriving Sunbury Town Centre precinct.  

The car park features accessible parking, enhanced lighting, improved storage facilities for cyclists and improved access for pedestrians.  

Why we're doing it

Hume City Council has long advocated for better public transport and car parking options in Hume and this is just one piece of the puzzle to help our community to get where they need to go.   


The new multideck car park was delivered by Hume City Council and was jointly funded with support from the Victorian Government’s Car Parks for Commuters Program, the Victorian Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution, the Australian Government’s Urban Congestion Fund and Hume City Council. 

What has happened so far 

  • September 2020 - Project is announced. 
  • July 2021 - Council undertook a statutory planning process to get approval to build the car cark.  
  • July 2021 – July 2022 – Council worked with State Government and landowners to resolve complex site issues.
  • September 2021 – Council completed a design and feasibility study and publicly released concept images.   
  • July 2022 - Council undertook an RFP process to find a developer to build the car park.  
  • September 2022 – State Government and Council unveiled car park site to announce construction dates. 
  • December 2022 – Council awarded contract. 
  • January – June 2023 – Site preparation and finalisation of documentation.  
  • June 2023 – Construction commenced.
  • July 2024 - Construction complete and car park opened. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a new carpark being constructed?

There are competing demands on parking spaces near the station between commuters, shoppers and shop tenants.

Sunbury’s population is continuing to grow rapidly, and the 600 car parks currently available for commuters across the Sunbury Station precinct are well used from early in the morning during the week.

The new car park will help to cater for Sunbury’s population growth, encourage more people to catch the train and reduce commuter parking on surrounding streets.

Why is car parking not being built on the original proposed site?

The Sunbury station precinct has a complex mix of land ownership and regulatory arrangements. An option previously announced was to extend the existing local shopper multi-deck car park on the western side of the station.

Following site investigations and engagement with Hume City Council, building car parking on the corner of Station Street and Evans Street was found to be the ideal option to expand car parking.

This site provides more car parking with the funding available, and increases car parking not only for commuters, but for shoppers as well.

You announced this project in April 2018. Why is it taking so long to deliver the car park?

Since the project was announced, we have been working with local stakeholders, carrying out site investigations and assessments and conducted a design and feasibility study.

This process has taken some time because of the complex land arrangements around the station and the discovery that the original proposed site was not suitable.

We know that delivering extra car parking is essential for the growing Sunbury community, so the Australian and Victorian Governments and Hume City Council are now working together to ensure the parking can be delivered as soon as possible while delivering the best outcome for the whole community.

Will station users be impacted by the construction works?

Yes. During the works period, commuter car parking to the south-east of the station will be closed.

Other all-day commuter car parking around Sunbury station will continue to be available during construction. 

Alternative all day commuter parking will also be available on Brook Street. 

There will also be some changes to pedestrian access along the railway line to the south east of Sunbury Station. Detours for pedestrians and cyclists will be signed during the works.

We will aim to minimise the impacts of works on station users, traders and nearby residents and notify of any further disruptions well in advance. Traffic control will also be in place to help manage construction-related traffic.

This work is not expected to cause any disruption to the public transport network, as the works are located well away from the railway line and roads used by bus routes.

Is the Evans Street car park completely closed during construction?

Yes. The car park on the corner of Evans and Station streets is closed to vehicles and pedestrians from 20 June until late 2024. 
Early works to set up the site and begin relocating some underground utilities are scheduled to start from early June. Some sections of the car park may be closed while these early works occur. 

Alternative parking arrangements have been made to ensure that locals and visitors can continue to access the area and get where they need to go. Other short-term on-street parking will continue to be available nearby for local shoppers and traders. 
Free all-day car parking for public transport users will be made available on Brook Street, at the rear of the Hume Global Learning Centre.

What alternate car parking is available for local shoppers?

For short term town centre parking we recommend making use of the on-street parking available south of Evans Street. There are over 200 on-street parking spaces in this area that are within 400m of the existing car park site. 
There are also 120 parking spaces available in Council’s carpark on Barkly Street. 

What alternate car parking is available for public transport users?

Other all-day commuter car parking around Sunbury station will remain open during construction, including accessible parking spaces. 
Free all-day car parking for public transport users will also be made available on Brook Street, at the rear of the Hume Global Learning Centre (a 600m / 7 minute walk, or 2-minute bus ride on Route 488 to Sunbury station).

Are shoppers and staff still able to access businesses next to the Evans Street car park?

Yes. Entry to retail stores in the area around the Evans Street car park construction site will be maintained at all times.  
We are working closely with traders to ensure their customers can still access their businesses. We are also working to minimise noise, dust and other potential impacts during the construction phase.

Will parking be free?

Yes, parking at the new multideck will be free of charge for all users.

Wil there be charging available for electric vehicles?

Yes, there will be eight charging bays available at the new multideck for electric vehicles.

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Contact details

Ruth Robles McColl
9205 2200


111 Evans St, Sunbury 3429  View Map

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