Sunbury Park Master Plan

  • Project statusComplete
  • Project value1.2 Million

What we're doing

We've upgraded Sunbury Park with new amenities for the Sunbury community.

Upgrades include:

  • enhanced picnic area with electric BBQ, drinking fountain and bins
  • a playful rest stop/nature exploration area for children
  • gravel pathways for improved circulation and wayfinding
  • composite timber bridge/boardwalks over drainage swales
  • cleared lawn area for informal kickabout activity
  • new trees and garden bed planting
  • new fencing around the site.

Learn more about the Sunbury Park Plan(PDF, 810KB)

Why we did it

This was the final stage of the Sunbury Park Masterplan implementation, with the dog park, new car parking spaces, and new toilet facilities already installed. As part of this upgrade, we've replaced the aging shelter and picnic furniture and have formalised circulation routes and recreations areas for the community to enjoy.

When was it be completed?

Construction was completed in February 2024.


The State Government contributed $350,000 toward this upgrade through the Growing Suburbs Fund.

Contact details


85 Jackson St, Sunbury 3429  View Map

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