Exhibit in Hume
Hume City Council is excited to invite artists and community groups to apply for the 2025 Hume Galleries Annual Exhibition Program. This is a chance for artists of all skill levels to share their artwork in our local galleries for up to a 12-week period.
About the program
The Hume Galleries Annual Exhibition Program offers opportunities for first-time exhibitors, emerging hobbyists and professional artists and community members to showcase their work in the community. Our goal is to create gallery spaces where all voices in our community can be seen and heard.
The program is selected through a competitive Expression of Interest (EOI) process, which invites a range of projects, from art exhibitions, contemporary live media, workshops and one-off events like performances. We encourage innovative projects presented across a range of media.
The annual gallery program is guided by Hume’s Creative Community Strategy with the aim to build community connections, create opportunities, foster wellbeing and belonging through creative expression.
We welcome participation from under-represented groups to apply including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, LGBTQIA+, Young People, Disability and Culturally Diverse Communities.
How to apply
Applications open on Monday 11 November 2024, 9am and close on Sunday 8 December, 2024, 11.59pm.
You can apply online or request an application form from one of our gallery locations:
- Town Hall Broadmeadows Gallery, Broadmeadows
- Gee Lee-Wik Doleen Gallery, Hume Global Learning Centre – Craigieburn
- Sunbury Gallery, Hume Global Learning Centre – Sunbury.
Applications closed.
For more information view our Gallery EOI 2025 Exhibitor Information Pack(PDF, 1MB).
Assessment criteria
The program is open to:
- Hume based artists
- Hume community groups, including heritage groups wanting to tell local stories in creative ways
- Artists from outside Hume or propose projects that engage local community members in developing the cultural life of the municipality.
The selection criteria for applications includes:
- Artistic Merit: This category assesses the visual and aesthetic qualities of the applicant’s artwork. It considers the visual language used: composition, form, colour, and any other qualities important to the work. It considers how these qualities express the conceptual ideas behind the artwork.
- Technical Merit: This category addresses the applicant’s technical skills in their chosen medium. The proposal will be evaluated on how well the applicant demonstrates their abilities with their medium and materials, including attention to detail and their ability to fulfil the proposed exhibition.
- Consideration of the Installation: This category assesses the way the applicant has thought through the way their artwork will be installed in their preferred gallery venue: how it will be displayed and consideration of the site.
- Relevance to the Hume Community and Social Justice: This category considers the applicants connection to the city of Hume and how their work connects to the priorities of the Hume Social Justice Charter.
The program will prioritise first time exhibitors.
Information sessions
Information sessions are available for applicants are available across our galleries for people wanting to discuss their applications with the Gallery Curator.
- Tuesday 19 November, 6-7pm Town Hall Broadmeadows Gallery
- Thursday 28 November, 6-7pm Hume Global Learning Centre, Craigieburn
- Wednesday 4 December, 6-7pm Hume Global Learning Centre, Sunbury
Hume's Collections
Hume has a substantial Civic Collection of over 8,000 photographs, objects and artworks in addition to independent projects. Council invites submissions that engage with or re-interpret collection items and the opportunity be shown in our dedicated heritage display cabinets located at the Hume Global Learning Centre, Sunbury.
Translation Service
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تحدث إلى موظف خدمة العملاء بلغتك. اتصل بالرقم 2200 9205 أيام الاثنين أو الخميس بين الساعة 8 صباحاً و5 مساءً. إذا كنت تريد منا الاتصال بك في الوقت الذي يناسبك، احجز موعدًا عبر الإنترنت باستخدام النموذج أدناه.
Kendi dilinizde bir müşteri hizmetleri görevlisiyle konuşun. Salı veya Çarşamba günleri 08.00 - 17.00 saatleri arasında 9205 2200 numaralı telefonu arayın. Size uygun bir zamanda aramamızı isterseniz aşağıdaki formu kullanarak çevrimiçi olarak randevu alın.
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Parla con un addetto al servizio clienti nella tua lingua. Chiama il numero 9205 2200 il lunedì dalle 8 alle 17. Se desideri che ti chiamiamo noi in un orario specifico, prenota un appuntamento online utilizzando il modulo sottostante.
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TTY Phone (Teletypewriter): 1800 555 677
National Relay Service (NRS): 133 677
HumeLink, Council's multilingual telephone information service

Hume City Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi - wurung and including the Gunung- Willam- Balluk clan as the Traditional Owners of this land and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture and creativity.
Have a question or need assistance? Contact gallery@hume.vic.gov.au