Submit a Building or Planning Application

What can I apply for using eHume?
Asset Protection Permits

APP01 - this is used to apply for an Asset Protection Permit to carry out building works costing more than $20,000 or to enter a building site with a motor vehicle weighing more than two tonnes.

APP02 - this is used to apply for an Asset Protection Permit to occupy a road (including a footpath, vehicle crossing or nature strips) for works. 

APP08 -  this is used to apply for an Asset Protection Permit to access building site from a point other than a vehicle crossing.

Building Applications and Documents

Copies of plans - this is used to request a copy of plans, documents or certificates associated with a Building Permit that has been issued for a property.

Report and Consent - this is used to request Council consultation and approval to construct a building which does not meet the requirements of the Building Regulations in regards to street, side and rear setbacks, building height, walls on boundary, fence heights and setbacks, overlooking, over shadowing, site coverage or permeability, or to build over an easement.

Building Regulation 51(1) - this document provides details of any building permit/certificate issued for a property in the last 10 years.

Building Regulation 51(2) - this document provides details about whether land is prone to termites, flooding, snowfall etc.

Building Regulation 51(3) - this document provides details on any inspection approval dates that have been undertaken on a property (for the mandatory building inspection stages only).

Section 30 Lodgement - this is used to lodge Section 30 (building permit) documents and associated certificates with Council.

Section 80 Notification - this is used to notify Council of the appointment of a Building Surveyor under Section 80.

Planning Applications and Documents

A planning permit is a legal document issued by Council, allowing for the use or development of a specific property. Not all building works require a planning permit.

Please visit the Building Applications section and complete an Application for Property Information - Building if you are seeking the following documents:

  • Building permits
  • House plans
  • Engineering drawings
  • Plumbing plans 

Residential Property Information Request - this document provides information about whether a planning permit is required for a use/development on residential land.

Commercial Property Information Request - this document provides information about whether a planning permit is required for a use/development on commercial land.

Demolition Request - this is used to confirm whether planning approval is required to demolish a building.

Request for Extension of Time - this is used to apply for an extension to the expiry date of a planning permit that has been issued.

Can't lodge using eHume?

You can make any other building or planning requests via email, post or in person using our forms below.


You can use our eHume system to instantly lodge and pay for your building and planning requests.

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 You can also send your planning application by email to


You can submit a building or planning application by post using one of the application forms below. Send it to:

Hume City Council
PO Box 119
Dallas Vic 3047

Please make sure you include payment when making your application.  

See information on Planning(PDF, 261KB) fees or Building(PDF, 163KB) fees.

 Application for Asset Protection Permit(PDF, 181KB) - use this form to apply for:

  • APP01 - Asset Protection Permit to carry out building works costing more than $20,000, enter a building site with a motor vehicle weighing more than 2 tonnes
  • APP02 – Permit for a Skip Bin on Nature Strip – for construction works only
  • APP08 – Permit to access a Building Site from a point other than a vehicle crossing

Application for Building Permit(PDF, 318KB) - use this form to apply for a building permit

Affected Owners Consent Form(PDF, 175KB) - use this form to obtain the consent of adjoining landowners where your building varies the requirements of the Building Regulations.

Application to Amend a Building Permit(PDF, 144KB) - use this form when lodging an application to amend a Building Permit.

Application for Extension of Time to Building Permit(PDF, 117KB) - use this form to apply for an extension to the expiry date of your Building Permit.

Application for Occupancy Permit - POPE(PDF, 117KB) - use this form to apply for an Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment.

Application for Property Information - Building(PDF, 224KB) - use this form to request details about any building records associated with your property (including requests for copies of building permits or plans), or for land information such as whether the land is prone to termites, flooding, snowfall etc.

Application for Report and Consent(PDF, 247KB) - this is used to request Council consultation and approval to construct a building which does not meet the requirements of the Building Regulations in regards to street, side and rear setbacks, building height, walls on boundary, fence heights and setbacks, overlooking, over shadowing, site coverage or permeability, or to build over an easement.

We are currently experiencing high volumes of applications and timeframes are extended. Please note processing Report and Consent applications may take 8 to 10 weeks.

Building Investigation Request(PDF, 105KB) - use this form to request Council to investigate when you believe that a building does not meet the Building Regulations.

Half Cost Fencing Application(PDF, 144KB) - use this form when making an application for Council to share the cost of boundary fencing.  Please note that this only applies where your property adjoins Council owned land (not a road). 

A planning permit is a legal document issued by Council, allowing for the use or development of a specific property. Not all building works require a planning permit.

Please visit the Building Applications section and complete an Application for Property Information - Building if you are seeking the following documents:

  • Building permits
  • House plans
  • Engineering drawings
  • Plumbing plans 

Application to Amend a Planning Permit(PDF, 70KB) use this form when lodging an application to amend an existing planning permit or endorsed plans.

Application for Information on Planning Controls(PDF, 120KB) - this document provides information about whether a planning permit is required for a use or development on your land.

Application for Planning Permit(PDF, 316KB) - use this form when lodging a planning application.

Application for VicSmart Planning Permit(PDF, 415KB) - use this form when lodging a planning application under the VicSmart provisions.

Declaration to Amend a Current Planning Application(PDF, 104KB) - use this form to amend plans or information being assessed in a current planning application.

Request for Extension of Time(PDF, 168KB) - this is used to apply for an extension to the expiry date of a planning permit that has been issued.

Secondary Consent Application(PDF, 82KB) - use this form when submitting a request to make minor changes to endorsed plans.

Demolition Application Form S29A(PDF, 18KB) - use this form for proposed Demolition requests.

Request for Copy of Planning Permits and endorsed Plans(PDF, 167KB) - use this form to request copies of existing permits and endorsed plans